happy birthday love

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I was slightly woken up by the placement of something on my shared bed with Joseph. I opened my eye to see Joseph placing a cup on my nightstand that was next to my side of the bed.

I sat up to see the full display of breakfast

"happy birthday dear" Joseph cheered to me 

A tired smile spread across my face "thank you love" I say while sitting up more to hug him
"you didn't have to do this" I continued while gesturing to the food placed in front of me.

"I wanted to, plus I knew you'd be lazy to make your own breakfast" he chuckled

I rolled my eyes at him "shut up" I mumbled

his laughter filled the air which caused me to smile again. I dug into my breakfast and talked to Joseph throughout till i was all done.

"get ready sweetie we are going out soon," Joseph said while standing up

I nodded and showered, brushed my teeth, got ready and did my makeup for the day.

(makeup and outfit)
choose which outfit if you don't like any just pretend you're wearing something you like 😃

(makeup and outfit) choose which outfit if you don't like any just pretend you're wearing something you like 😃

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I exited our bedroom to our kitchen where Joseph was currently leaning on the counter on his phone

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I exited our bedroom to our kitchen where Joseph was currently leaning on the counter on his phone. I walked toward him.

"ready to go sweetie?" he asked me I nodded.

He grabbed his keys, grabbed my hand and lead me to his car.

time skip to place

we arrived at the local beach when Joseph told me to cover my eyes and lead me to wherever we needed to go.

When he finally let me uncover my eyes I met by the most beautiful picnic

"Omg, it's beautiful Joe you did this all for me?"Joseph smiled and my reaction

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"Omg, it's beautiful Joe you did this all for me?"Joseph smiled and my reaction

"who else would it be for love and you deserve it more than anyone in the world" he noted

I felt tears blur in my eyes and I turned to my loving boyfriend and pulled him into a passionate loving kiss. a mumble came from my mouth "I love you so fucking much Joseph Quinn"

"I love you too sweetie, come on let's sit" he whispered in my ear

we both enjoyed the day together till nightfall.


I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, leave any requests in the comments or just dm me :)


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