gender reveal (request)

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thanks for the request sxarlettsst0ryss



Today is the day. The day we find out what gender our baby is gonna be, not that I care which gender I would happy with either.

"love are you excited?" Joseph asked as he placed his hands on my pregnant belly.

"of course i cant wait to see" I replied as well placing my hands over his

Joe moved closer to my belly whispering to my stomach "baby we are going to find out who you are soon"

I smiled down at my boyfriend and moved my hands so they were brushing his curls. "I hope they get your curls Joe"

His eyes met mine and smiled "I know they will have your beauty" he told me

"shut up" I giggled and pulled him up so I could give him a quick peck on the lips.

Moving looking at the full length mirror to check my outfit was presentable

the outfit (choose one u like)

the outfit (choose one u like)

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"ready to go love?" Joe asked while looking in my eyes

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"ready to go love?" Joe asked while looking in my eyes

"yes, let's go" I said and turned around to face him, he hummed and helped me down the stairs and toward the car.




We arrived at Josephs parents home. Walking into the backyard to see the beautiful set up, decorations scattered with the pink and blue on them.

"Y/N" I heard Maya yell as she ran to me embracing me in seconds

"Maya, how have you been?" I asked pulling away from the hug

"good, how have you been feeling?" she asked

"the best" I replied

Joe Keery, Natalia, Charle and Grace walked to us saying their hellos and asking how I felt.

"so how far along are you?" Grace asked

"five months now" I answered

She nodded and continued our joined conversation.

Joe's mother said it was time for the reveal so we all made our way to the board with a big balloon on it. Me and Joseph moved to either side with needles in our hands ready to stab the balloon.

" 3, 2, 1" our friends and family yelled then we both stabbed it.

Pink power fell out and everyone screamed, jumping up at down celebrating. Joe immediately ran to me hugging me tightly.

"baby we are having a girl" I cried to my boyfriend

he nodded "i'm so happy"

"I love you Joseph Quinn"

"I love you too Y/N L/N"

our lips connected


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