right where you left me (angst)

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warnings- suicidal thoughts, self-worth problems


As Joseph walked away from me, the love of my life, tears streamed down my cheeks.

I was frozen and numb. He found a better person. Why am I surprised? He deserves a partner who doesn't have to struggle every day.

I got up from the chair I was in and left the cafe, my body numb and my mind blank. Seeing all the happy couples as I walked down the street made me feel even worse.

Upon my return home, I ran into my room and threw myself on top of my bed, balling my eyes out until I fell asleep.

6 months later

After Joe broke up with me, it took me some time to leave my apartment. I sat in a bar. My best buddy dragged me out of bed and told me that I had to recover, which is difficult. I made a call to the bartender and ordered a bloody mary. He gave me the drink. I sat looking around the club while taking little sips from the glass.

"what's a pretty girl like you doing by yourself?" someone asked

I turned to be greeted a somewhat attractive guy. "just trying to get over my ex" I said with no care.

he hummed "I can feel you on that... maybe I can help you out"

I nodded smiling about to talk until I saw Joseph walk into the bar, why? "fuck my ex is here" I whispered.

"no shit" he replied looking at Joseph as well

"come on baby lets make him jealous"

I smirked and pulled him into a passionate kiss.


When I walked into the bar that I knew so well, I fucked up. The girl I loved the most and I broke up with her just to have a brief relationship. My gaze scanned the scattered people in the bar until it landed on Y/N. The sight of her making out with some random guy broke my heart. I know I cannot be hurt, I left her.

It was time to drown my troubles away, so I walked toward the bar. I kept looking at Y/N as she laughed with someone else. The guilt I feel is unbearable.


As my gaze returned to Joseph, I stood up and signed, "Thank you, but I have to speak with him."

"That's fine, talk to him" he said as he walked away

It wasn't long before I reached Joseph.

I said, "Hi Joseph,"

Turning to me, he asked, "Hi Y/N, how are you?" as politely as he could

I replied, "Good, you?"

He asked, "Same, so who was the guy you were kissing?"

As I sat next to him, I signed "I don't know, random guy"

A sad smile spread across Joseph's face as he nodded.

I asked, "How's your relationship?"

"The two of us broke up a few weeks ago", he whispered

This hurt me even more, he left me for someone he didn't want to stay with.

I stood up "well it was nice to see you again but I should be going home"

he nodded

I walked out this time, goodbye my love


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