I didn't change my number (angst)

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I walked into my favourite cafe in London, I couldn't help but notice my ex-boyfriend Joseph Quinn. He broke up with me because he couldn't do long distance anymore. I mean I lived in Australia and he lived in England, I already planned to move to England and surprise him but he left me before I could.

Ignoring his presence and moved in line to order.

I left eyes burning into my soul as I ordered my drink, I knew he was walking toward me.

"Y/N?" I heard Joseph behind me 

I turned around to face him "hey joseph," I said

"what are you doing in London," he asked 

I smiled "I live here" I replied 

this shocked him, "oh I was planning to move here before you broke up with me, but I moved anyway" I mumbled 

"oh...fuck I didn't know," he said 

"I know it's ok," I told him 

Silence filled the air around us and I awkwardly smiled at the man I used to be in love with. My name was called so I went up to the counter and grabbed my drink thanking the barista. Joseph and I made eye contact before I walked out of the store. 


I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, it's my first angst oneshot so sorry if it's shit.

please request 


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