set (request)

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thank you @humanperson666 for the request!!!!!

Y/C/N- your characters name

is any gender you prefer, I usually write in the first person so it doesn't side to one or another


"those stains are... I don't know what those stains are" Joesph said acting as Eddie

Robin and Y/C/N both looked at Eddie with a look of doubt and then at each other

"yeah okay you really don't know," I said as my character as I stared at my boyfriend

"CUT" the director yelled which caused us all to walk off the set, Joesph slung his arm around my shoulders I looked at him and smiled, "I think we can make some stains together," Joesph said while winking at me.

"fuck off," I said shoving him off me, he started to chuckle and I joined with him while we both sat down.

"I mean you look fucking hot in the fucking wig so I won't say no to making a stain on that bed" I purred in his ear while slightly playing with the wig on his head.

Joseph rolled his eyes while slightly slapping my hand away from his head.

I grabbed josephs hand pulling him up from the chair, he gave me a confused look but I continued to start dragging him to my trailer.

once we got in, "why did you drag me here?" he asked me I smirked "because why not and my ass hurts from sitting in the chair" I told him smiling.

"your such a nerd" he spoke while pulling me towards him, "what do you want to do while we wait," he asked

I smirked and grabbed my phone going to Spotify and playing a song.

"let's dance," I said stretching my hand out to his

"alright love" he agreed and grabbed my hand and start to dance with me.

the song played as we both swayed along both slightly laughing at how shit we are at dancing, once the song ended Joesph swayed me down pecking my lips.


sorry if this is short but I hope you like it

please request :))))


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