joseph being a dad

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I rocked Joseph's and my toddler, trying to soothe him down; Joseph had been giving interviews all day. Since the release of Stranger Things 4 a month ago, he has. I could tell our baby boy needed his father right now.

"Luke It's okay, Daddy will be home shortly "I reminded him. Joseph entered through the front door, which I heard him open. I entered the kitchen where Joe was placing his belongings."Look Daddy's home," I said while handing him to Joseph

I gave him to Joseph and said, "Look Daddy's home."

What's wrong, big guy?" he greeted our child.

He sobbed, "Daddy," as he buried his head in Joseph's chest.

Joe hugged me while wrapping his right arm around Luke's small body.

"he missed you today," I told my husband

"Luke I wanted to spend the entire day with you and Mummy because I missed you as much "He informed our youngster.


I'm sorry this is short but I hope you enjoyed this oneshot

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