please (angst)(request)

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thank you for the request buckley-harringt0n


"I wish you'd just leave me alone, I wish I'd never met you." Joseph said with venom

my heart stung, I can't believe how wrong this relationship has gone in just a few months.

"you don't mean that" I said back connecting our eyes hoping I could see the lie

"I mean every fucking word," he said back with full seriousness

"please Joseph nothing is going on between Keery and I" I cried at him tears slipping down my face.

"you're a fucking liar" he spat

"Joe please listen to me, I don't like Joe Keery I love YOU" I bawled 

"You really were the worst thing to ever happen to me. I mean that." he sighed

Joe got to his feet and proceeded to make his way to the front door as tears streamed down my cheeks. I reached out and took his arm.

I sobbed, "Joe, don't go. I love you."

He stated "it's finished" and left the house.

I dropped to my knees and burst into tears.


i hope you like this oneshot, sorry its short

please request


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