Welcome home love

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Joseph has been travelling around the world for the past few months for Stranger Things, I could tell he needed a break lucky he is coming home tonight so I made sure to make relaxed as possible. I bought his favourite snacks and meal, some skin care products and a bath bomb.

My phone bussed, I looked to see a text message from Joseph saying he will be home in ten. I moved into our bathroom and started the bath.

The front door opened which caused me to run to it and greet my loving boyfriend.

"welcome home," I said while hugging him

"hello love," he said tiredly

I released him and told him "I have a surprise for you"

"Really?" he asked

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into our shared bathroom to reveal the bath was nearly filled.

"I thought you would want to relax and I wanted to help," I said

"love... you didn't have to" he whispered

"I know, I wanted to baby, you deserve this" I replied

He nodded at thanked me, I turned off the tap and grabbed the bath bomb and placed it into the water.

"ok get in when you're ready I'm going to start cooking us dinner," I told him

"thank you, love," he said again and pulled me into a short kiss before starting to take off his clothes and lowering himself into the bath.

I moved into the kitchen getting everything ready to start cooking.

(time skip)

Joseph exited our bedroom with wet curly hair and only in trackies. I felt his strong arms wrap around me.

"I love you" he whispered into my ear

I smiled and turned to face him "I love you too, after dinner I'm going to give you the best spa treatment"

"you're too kind," he said

I smiled "dinner is ready, sit at the table and I'll bring you the food"

He nodded and walked to our kitchen table and I grabbed the two plates of food and placed them down on the table.

I sat down and we started to eat our meals.


Once we finished dinner we walked to our room and I told him to lie down so I can do his skincare which he complied.

I grabbed one of my headbands and pushed it onto his head so his curls don't fall on his face. I started to putting eye masks under his eyes to help him with the bags clearing under his eyes from the lack of sleep. I left them on for ten minutes before taking them off. I start to massage moisturiser into his skin. Letting it dry before using the night cream on his face.

"ok baby all done" I whispered

he hummed "you're the best"

I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips b before cuddling into his chest "i missed you"

"I missed you too" he replied

we both fell asleep


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