got you (request)

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Thank you for the request @holyhozier holyhozier


I grabbed my purse that was hanging over my chair and I looked myself in the mirror making sure I looked my best. My husband invited me to the Stranger Things 4 premiere to be his plus one. Joe walked into our shared bedroom looking handsome.

"your look so beautiful love," Joseph told me walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist

"look at you baby," I said while making eye contact with him

A smile spread across his face and he lightly kissed my shoulder "are you ready to go sweetie" he mumbled into my shoulder

"yep, you?" I asked he agreed with me and lifted his head grabbing my hand and leading me out of our house to his car.

I was really nervous it was the first time going to a premiere, Joe noticed and slid his hand on my upper thigh and squeezed lightly.


timeskip to event


We both exited the car, Joseph walked over to me looping his arms around my waist smiling down at me.

"its going to be ok love" he whispered in my ear

I smiled at him and we started to walk throought the entrence hearing fans screaming and photos being taken. Joseph hand tighned around me and he said hi to fans and signing things while his hand still placed on my waist. As we walked towards the photgraphers and we started posing together he kept on looking at me making sure everything was ok.

"baby do you want to move so you can have photos by yourself and with other people?"I asked my husband

"that would be great love" he whispered back to me

I smiled and moved away walking away not really knowing where to go, I did'nt know really anyone here I felt so out of place I just wanted to be inside already.

"hi Y/N" Joe Keery said

I turned to see him and I smiled "hey joe how have you been" I said while pulling him to a hug. We contuined to talk until the group photo was going to be taken, I watched as they they posed not sure what else I was supposed to do.




Joseph walked to me after posing for all photos, "hello love how are feeling?" he asked

I smiled "i'm ok just dont really know what to do" I whispered to him

"sweetie its ok we are going in soon" he whispered back and he pulled me so I was pressed against the side of his body.

He lead me into the building makning sure I was cloe to him so I didnt get uncomfdtable


I hope you ejoyed this oneshot

please request <3


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