comic con

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Today has been very stressful, Joseph and I are currently at comic con London. Joseph had hundreds of people come here to meet him. The workers are pushing him too much and being rude to everyone. I knew he was trying his hardest but the workers were still shitting on him for being too slow.

I looked at one of the security guards "when can Joe have a break" I asked

Her gaze fell on me "he has to wait' she told me with a monotone voice

I bite my lip looking at my boyfriend who was stressed and hungry. Moving away from his meet and greet walking to get him some lunch.

As I walked back into Josephs's meet in greet I heard some security talking shit about him which angered me. I moved closer to my boyfriend until I was right next to him.

"Hey Joe I got some food for you" I whisper to him

He turned to me "thank you love I am starving" he replied

A smile spread on my face "is there anything I could do to help?" I asked my loving boyfriend

His beautiful brown eyes looked at me and he said "love this is great" rising the food I gave him

"I think you can have a break," I told him

"I'm not sure honey they are already mad at me" he whispered to me with a sad smile

I looked down and back to his face "baby have a break, you need it" I told him

Joseph smiled at me "ok love" he responded and stood up walking off behind the stage.

Before I followed him I yelled out "guys he'll be back soon he's just going to have lunch"

I go after my boyfriend, he was sitting on a chair eating the food I brought him. I moved so I was walking toward him. Once I came to him I kneeled down next to him.

"thank you love," Joseph said with his mouth stuffed with food

I smiled up at him "for what?" I asked

"for being here" he replied

"of course," I said to him

I rested my head on top of his knees watching him quietly eat, this is the best I could do these people were working him to the bone. he deserves so much better.


sorry this is short I didn't know what to write

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