dnd games

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I sat next to my boyfriend, near a table with all the supplies needed for the Dungeons and Dragons game we are going to play today.

The people in the same are Priah, Joseph, Finn, Gaten and the host. We were all introduced to Joseph being joe Keery, Priah as applejack, Finn and Gaten being (i forget their names rip). My character is called Y/C/N and I am an elf.

The game started off smoothly, with Joe and Finn both flirting with Stella (one of the characters). As the game continues Joseph's hand started to squeeze my thigh, I looked at him to see him sticking his tongue out which he did regularly.

We kept on laughing, Finn and Joe fighting over Stella and Applejack just being a ghost. Once we were all in the upside down and we were greeted by vecna. It was my turn to roll for my attack.

"ok, please roll high" I whisper and threw the dice in the small bowl next to me. It landed on a 25 we all celebrated as casting a strong spell on Vecna which caused him to lowly and start coughing.

As we continue to fight with Vecna Finn, Joe, Applejack and I all got knocked unconscious by the force of the attack from Vecna.

"oh god," Gaten said " my health is so low and I'm going to die" he continued

He ended up saving Applejack and Applejack killed Vecna. We all cheered "Good job Priah" I said to the young girl next to me.  " thank you" she thanked and the boys congratulated her. Joseph slighting grabbed her arm saying how good she did. I smiled at her.

once we ended the game and said our goodbye to each other Joseph and I walked toward his car.

"I think we did pretty good," I said to my boyfriend

"I know, I think Stella has a thing for me" he joked

I slapped his arm "if you get with Stella I'm going to join vecna" I smirked

"no love," he said dramatically while grabbing my shoulders and slightly shaking me.

I giggled at his antics while we entered the car.

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