best step dad

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When I was 22 I fell pregnant from my ex-boyfriend,I became pregnant by my ex-boyfriend when I was 22; he broke up with me when I told him, and I couldn't bring myself to abort my child. Before I met my beautiful fiancé Joseph Quinn, I cared for her on my own for almost six months.

He started taking care of my daughter as his own as soon as we started dating. The past four years have been spent dating. I'm enthusiastic about him.

I turned to face our daughter, who was writing on a scrap of paper. I was startled out of my reverie by a knock at the door.

Moving to the front door and opening it to reveal my ex-boyfriend.

"hey Y/N"

I question, "What are you doing here?"

He responded, "I want to meet my daughter."

"No, never, you aren't her Dad," I scoffed.

"you can't do that"

"I can it's only my name on her birth certificate"

Joe left his office to see what was going on and made his way to us as Luke attempted to push by me.

He grasped my waist with his arm and questioned, "What do you want man?"

My ex remarked, "I'm here to see my daughter."

I looked up to Joseph as his eyes widened and he cast a quick glance my way.

I said, "I don't want you here, Luke."

"Come on, Y/N", he begged.

"You shouldn't have come here hoping to see our daughter, mate," Joseph informed him.

"it's your daughter? I, not you, knocked Y/N up "Luke stated.

Joe appeared to want to murder the man in front of us.

I demanded that he leave, saying, "I don't want you contacting us again. Joseph is her Dad and will be forever."

"I'll take you to court" Luke warned back

Joseph pushed him a little so he could close the door, "fine we'll see you there then."

I sighed, which made him turn to face me, and then I hugged him.

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too"

Ashley rushed over to us to show us her drawing, calling out, "Daddy, Mummy look."

As Joe lifted her, we both turned to face the artwork of the three of us.

"It's beautiful Ash," i told her

"Dear, this is going to be on the fridge, and when you grow up, you're going to be an artist" Joe enlightened her.

Her face lit up as I took the drawing and used a magnet to attach it to the fridge.

As I took Ash out of Joe's hands and informed her it was time for bed,

Joseph walked after me as I made my way upstairs to her bedroom. laying her down on the mattress, covering her with the covers, and tucking her in.

I kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight, baby."

Joe kissed her forehead and said goodnight as he knelt down after I moved.

As we prepared for bed, we both left her room and went to our own.

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