Part 45

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Warnings :: Blood, injuries, death, kidnapping

You feel a hand on your shoulder and look up. Thor is kneeling in front of you on the street. "We need to find her," you tell him as you try to stand but the wound on your side makes you wince.

"We will, I promise brother," he says and you nod as he helps you stand.

The two of you get into the rear of the van and Nat drives you back to the warehouse to meet up with the rest of the team. You stare blankly out the window, not able to focus on what Thor is saying. When you pull up it looks like all of SHIELD is there. Tony and Fury are both yelling out orders to various agents and analysts. You watch as they bring out the Hydra agents, a few in cuffs but most in body bags.

"You should have someone take a look at you," Thor suggests and you realize you are still holding onto him for support.

You stand on your own, "It'll heal. We need to figure out where they took Y/N. I need to get her back, I can’t... Thor I can’t lose her.”

“I know,” he nods and gives you a sympathetic look. 

Tony & Steve come over to you and Thor but before they can say anything you ask them, "How did we miss this? There were so many Hydra agents here... they knew I wasn’t Y/N and they knew which surveillance van she was in."

Tony shakes his head, "I don’t know but we are going to find out. Hill has already started to look into it with a small team, people she trusts completely. Someone must have fed them information about the mission."

“Do you think they set this up the same way they set up the escape on the raft? By blackmailing SHIELD agents?” Thor asks and Steve nods. 

"Where is Sarah?" you ask looking around. "She would know where they took Y/N," you can't help but feel a bit hopeful. If Sarah knew anything, you would get it out of her. You look directly at Tony and say, "Don't tell me she got away."

Tony looks between you and Thor then says, "Come with me." You & Thor follow him past the agents into the warehouse. “She’s just over there,” he points to the rear wall and you see two medics kneeling in front of someone.   "They don’t think she is going to make it," he says and you stop walking, you don’t know how to respond. Before you get much closer, one of the medics takes off his gloves and stands up. The other one turns towards you and shakes his head as he gets up. 

Sarah is sitting against the wall, there is blood around her mouth and her eyes are closed. There is blood on the ground around her, it looks as if she dragged herself over to the wall before collapsing. A long piece of rebar sticks out of her chest, one of her hands is still resting on it.

"No... we needed her," you say, mostly to yourself. 

"We will find Y/N a different way, no one is going to stop until we find her," Tony promises. 

You nod and the three of you walk back out of the warehouse. Clint and Nat are talking to Sam who is sitting in the back of an ambulance. A medic is finishing up stiches on his arm and he has a bandage on his forehead. He stops talking when he sees you coming over. Nat turns to see what distracted Sam and then she asks the medic if she can come back in a minute. She nods and walks away.

“Loki, I’m sorry-” Sam starts but you hold up your hand and stop him.

The worried looks Nat & Clint give to Thor doesn’t escape your notice. You take a deep breath and let it out slowly, holding the wound on your side. You want to lash out, to cause pain and damage to the things around you but you know that’s not what Y/N would want. That wouldn’t help you get her back. Instead you look at Sam and tell him, “Its not your fault. I failed to protect her when she needed me. I should have been able to stop them.”

He doesn’t respond but Thor does, “We all failed her, Loki.” 

The truck takes a sharp turn and you wake up, you thoughts are fuzzy and it takes you a few seconds to figure out what is going on. When you open your eyes everything is dark, there is something soft covering them. You try to move your arms but yours hands are tired behind your back. When you pull on them you realize they are attached to the side wall of the truck. Your legs are free but there isn’t enough slack in the rope to get your feet under you so you remain seated against the wall. You can hear the people who took you talking but your head is still pounding and your are unable to understand them. 

You realize you have no idea how long you were out or where you are.   Focusing on your breathing, you try to keep calm. Loki and the rest of the team are going to find you, you tell yourself. You know Loki would never stop looking for you. 

A few minutes later the truck takes another turn and the ride feels different. You aren’t on pavement anymore, the truck is on rough road. Where could they be taking you, you wonder. You pull and twist your arms, trying to free yourself from your restraints but every time you move, pain shoots from your shoulder down to your hand. 

You think you are on the unpaved road for almost half an hour when they finally come to a stop. Your breathing picks up and your body gets tense. You hear the front doors open and both people get out. You rest your head against the wall of the truck and use it to help slide the blindfold off your eyes. Looking out the front window, you are horrified to find out you at a small, private airport. There is a plane waiting at the end of the runway and your heart starts to pound faster. You can’t let them get you on the plane, you have to fight back and get away.

The rear doors open wide and the same men who grabbed you climb into the back. You try to struggle and pull away from them but you have no leverage. You manage to kick out, catching one of them in the shin. He goes down and the other man hits you in the face. You scream and he puts his hand over your mouth to silence you but when he does you bite him. He curses at you and then reaches into the front of the truck to grab a black medical bag. 

The man you kicked gets up and stands over you, staring down angrily. You try not to look afraid but you have no idea what is going to happen if they get you on that plane. 

“Is it ready?” the one staring at you asks and you look at the other one. 

“Hold her,” he responds as he comes towards you with a needle in one hand.

You scream for him to stop and to let you go but they hold you tight. You are unable to kick or struggle as he inserts the needle into your arm. Everything starts to get fuzzy again, your limbs feel heavy and your breath slows. You whisper Loki’s name just before you lose consciousness. 

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