Chapter Two

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The road looks like it's never going to stop, the kilometers are passing by but it feels like I'm not getting any further. I have the impression that I'm the only human being left on earth. I had to see only two cars in the past hour. It's only me, the music and the lights of the car. Around me, everything is dark and calm, nothing is moving, like it is stuck in time. The calm before the storm. A song titled "the raven" is playing and I can't help but laugh a little. The lyrics are fitting. I am so far from home right now. It feels weird because nobody knows that I'm on my way, that I'm here on the road that leads to the very heart of Duskwood. It's been a while since I've been that relaxed. Focused on the road, murmuring the lyrics of the different songs that are keeping me company. I give a quick glance at my phone which is on the passenger seat, the screen kept unlocked so I can notice any change of situation at the cabin. This calm was pleasant and, as I knew in advance it was not going to last, I was savoring every second of it.

The group is chatting and talking about random things. For an instant, it looks normal. A group of friends chatting, me on my way to join them. Nothing about capturing a killer. Just normal stuff. I answer quickly sometimes, being cautious still. Having a car crash right now would not be ideal that's for sure.

I'm getting closer. Thirty minutes left. I can start to admire the forests that surround Duskwood. The view, at night, only having as light the headlights from the car, is stunning. I open my mouth a little as I discover the scenery. During the day, it must be breathtaking. A thin mist is appearing, changing the atmosphere from beautiful to creepy in a second. The forest never stops, the trees are looking gigantic, I feel incredibly small, surrounded by those giants. The shadows make them come to life and it appears like they could move and crush me.

The mist disappears all of a sudden and I spot the town's lights. A sign is welcoming me to Duskwood. I past it, leaving my calm and peace right there. The stress, the anger, the fear, they are all coming back. I recognise the places Jessy showed me. I don't feel like I just got into the unknown, everything here seems so familiar thanks to Jessy's visit. The town is empty. It is very pretty and welcoming if you forget a minute about the reason I'm here. The church, the library, the Aurora... The place has a very unique vibe. But maybe I feel like that because of our story together. It is weird to actually be here and see it for myself. It is becoming real all of a sudden. I park next to the church. I grab my phone and catch up with the last texts. I'm agitated, I'm ecstatic to be here and I wish the context was different. I want to tell the others, I want to meet them and forget about all of this. But soon, I'll be there with them and soon we will put the fear behind us. I read Jake's latest messages. He is not sure about what to think of the group's decision to stay at the cabin and fight back. I'm glad he does not keep a tight eye on the location of my phone.

Jake : " I think we were meant to find that phone. Michael planned it all from the start. "Gloria : " We should have known "

I feel pretty stupid to not have seen this as a trap since the beginning. It was so obvious, how do you not think of that immediately ?

Jake : " What has happened, has happened. We cannot change it anymore... You told Michael you understood him. "

I fix the screen, not sure how to answer all the unsaid questions by Jake. When talking to Michael via Hannah's phone, I felt something. Him, Michael or whoever it is, there is something, a link between us. I could not understand that man fully. But... It was like he wanted to say something to me, I had a feeling he was stuck in this situation just like us. But he then showed me that I was probably wrong with those thoughts.

Jake : " Gloria ? "

I sigh and bite the nail of my thumb as I think about what to answer. Jake is counting on me to pick up on the emotional part of things. I don't know if he could understand what I felt about Michael. And I was not sure I could trust my own interpretation of it.

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