Chapter Twenty-Five

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Saying a quick hellooo and a big thank you before the chapter ! I appreciate the time you give reading me and all the comments you leave, they all make me laugh so much !

T-H-A-N-K - Y-O-U - !

JAKE'S POV - Before the party

All while talking to Gloria, I wanted to approach Hannah's subject. I didn't know how to proceed so I stayed quiet about it but it was in a corner of my mind all night. I was not sure what to believe myself and talking about it in that state of mind was not going to be productive at all and we would probably fight. And I didn't want to fight with Gloria. It will happen someday, yes. I wanted to avoid it for now because I am away from her. I did not want to argue over the phone. She could hang up and then turn it off and I would not be able to hear from her. If I am right in front of her, she cannot ignore me and we have to solve the problem right away.

Today was another day with Alan. We were in his car on our way to a motel right outside Duskwood, where one of the murders we were investigating happened years ago. He thought we might gain access to the old security footage and I could try to find something on the tape. I didn't have a lot of hope but I didn't want to ruin the mood. We drove in silence, just the radio playing in the background. I was not able to stop thinking about the texts between Gloria and Cleo. It was frustrating and confusing me to a point where Alan noticed :

" If you sigh one more time Jake, I will throw your ass in jail ! " Alan threatened, stopping at a red light " Care to tell me what's on your mind ? Trouble with your girl, huh ? " He glanced at me before focusing his attention back on the road where people were crossing rapidly.

" Why would I talk to you about my private life ? " I ask, my fingers drumming against the car door where my arm was resting.

" I don't know, but if you need to talk about it, you are welcome to do it " He shrugged and started to drive again. I sighed loudly and Alan clicked his tongue to let me know his annoyance.

" I know something I shouldn't know about Gloria. It's an important subject but it confuses me a lot. I don't know how to talk to her about it because I am too confused to know where to start. " I explained and Alan nodded, focused on my words. His hand made a rotating movement to tell me to keep talking " She is jealous of Hannah, which is ridiculous, but it worries her a lot ! " I didn't get into more details, this was enough

" Jealousy, it's tough ! " It was Alan's turn to sigh loudly " Communication is key, Jake ! If you don't talk to your partner about those issues then it won't last, trust me. You will slowly start to resent each other and be mean and lose that bond that first united you. Of course, those talks are never a good moment to go through. But that's how a relationship is. It's not always sweetness, it is also incredibly bitter ! " He scoffs " So I suggest ripping the bandaid and bringing the subject up. To understand her and the issue, you have to listen. It will hurt you both probably at some level, it will be uncomfortable that's for sure. But once the water is clear again, you'll be glad you did it and that you faced the storm instead of pretending it was not lurking in the corner. I think both you and Gloria are mature enough and also in love enough to talk it through properly ! " I listened to him with attention. I was expecting something less serious coming from Alan but it was very educational. I was almost disappointed to not have a notepad to write everything down like a good student. He turned the heating up and continued :

" If I had listened to my wife a bit more and if I had opened up to her just a little bit more, then maybe I would have had a better chance at keeping that stupid yoga instructor away from her panties " Alan shrugged, bitterness in his voice. I didn't know who he hated the most, himself, his ex-wife, or the yoga instructor in question. I guessed it was the three.

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