Chapter Fourteen . PART 3

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My hand is in the air, holding firmly the knife. The adrenaline makes my heart beat at a rhythm I have never felt before. My muscles are ready to hit with all the strength they have in stock. The whole scene appears in slow-motion in front of my eyes and I pray not to fail but as soon as I feel the touch of his hand gripping my wrist. I know it's over for me. Michael had an ounce of kindness in his eyes a second before, hurting me was not something he had in mind prior to my gesture. Now, hurting me is a burning desire in his eyes.

He grunts and I gasp as he gets up and in a swift move tosses me to the ground using my wrist. I fall on my back and my only goal and only escape possible is to grab the knife. But Michael is quick and he is clever and he is furious. Thankfully though, in his rage, he does not notice the knife but I don't have the chance to take a hold of it. He gets on top of me, the weight of his whole body hurts my pelvis and I struggle to breathe. But the struggle is only starting. I have a quick vision of his hand turning into a fist before it crashes on my face. I open my mouth wide but no sound can be produced. The pain pierces through my entire body. I don't have time to catch my breath as his other fist breaks down on the other side of my face. Black spots block my vision, for a minute it is pitch black. I don't know where his fists impacted, my entire face is just a block of pure agony. My brain, my eyes, they are pounding so hard in my skull, I am afraid it might explode. I can't bear it !

I see Michael's mouth moving but my ears are buzzing, and a high pitch noise making me feel incredibly nauseous is in the background. I pray for a final blow, I quick one, a fatal one. I can't handle this pain a second longer. I glance at the knife, he is close but my hope of grabbing it is ruined again. Michael's strong hands encircle my neck. They squeeze with superhuman strength. I gasp for air, desperately. I open my eyes wide looking at Michael in the eyes and this anger, that expression on his face... I don't think you can ever find something more terrifying. That is the last thing Amys aw before dying. That is my father's hands around my neck extracting the life out of me. My cheeks are drowning under my tears and the saltiness of them stings the trigger points of my face :

" You need to be taught a lesson too, Darling! I can't believe you are making me do this to you ! " He exclaims, enraged. I hit him with my hands. I hit his shoulders, his chest, and his face, but he is standing there on top of me like a rock. I grab his wrists but then don't move, he is just a marble sculpture. My vision is blurring and I know the time is near. I let my arm fall on the ground and stretch out my fingers, the tip of my fingernails is brushing the steel blade. I give it all I have left. I refuse to let Jake watch me die, I refuse to leave him with nothing but the guilt, no memories of the love we had for each other just the guilt. I refuse that to be the last thing I leave to him. One last effort and the blade is tangled between my fingers.

I raise my hand again but this time I am not allowed to fail one more time. I dig the tip of the blade into the side of his body. Michael shrieks. I take the knife out and dive it again. Air comes through my body and I cough, forcing my body to rise. I push him to the ground and run without looking back. The whole mine is turning at a crazy speed, I plow multiple times into the walls but I keep a straight line of thoughts. Right. Right. Left. Right. Like the light at the end of the tunnel, I see the door holding me back from the man I love. I throw myself on it, my shaky hands get a hold of the large handle :

" Gloria ! " I hear from the other side, a muffled sound but I know that voice. I would recognize it even amongst the loudest voices. I whimper loudly, pulling the door towards me. It makes a loud grating noise. I am using so much strength, the rest of my energy leaves my body right there on that doorstep. It moves easier and a pair of arms grab me :

" You made it ! I'm here, Gloria ! You made it ! " My eyes are blurry, I do not see him clearly but his voice, his smell, the sensation of his hands on me, I feel them and it is blissful. Jake holds me tight against his chest, a hand on my back, the other behind my head " You're safe, I've got you. " I am unable to speak to him I can't even hold him. My body is numb and like jelly at this point. My arms simply dangle from my side. I burst into tears, gasping for air at the same time. Relief, pain, fear, love, they are forming a wave and suffocating my brain. Jake pulls away and put his hands on my shoulders which move up and down with my uncontrollable sobs. The look on Jake's face... Another one I won't be able to forget. Contrary to Michael, I discern more than one emotion on his face. His jaw clenches, and he glances towards the direction I just came from before focusing back on me " Follow my breathing, ok ? Deep and slow, Gloria, deep and slow ! " He instructs me and I mirror him, grabbing the fabric of his hoodie between my fingers. I let my forehead fall on his chest. Delicately, he caresses the back of my head. I am scared to wake up back there. What if I passed out and I am dreaming or hallucinating ?

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