Chapter Ten

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Coming fully back to myself now, I am talking with the group. Their tires have been slashed. But at least, we don't think that the man without a face is coming back anytime soon. Everyone is still a bit in shock and on edge but we are keeping each other calm. I want to text Jake, be sure he followed what happened and, most importantly, talk about what happened between us. I feel miserable. I got surprised and confused and I'm afraid my reaction was far from being what he expected. He doesn't seem to be active and I don't know how to even start the conversation. I know he would ignore me if I talk about anything related to what he said to me, probably still embarrassed. Dan does not miss this opportunity to mention how suspicious that is, that he is suddenly nowhere to be seen. I ignore his remark by closing my phone. Laying on the bed, I could easily fall asleep now. I close my eyes, ready to allow myself a little bit of sleep or even just ten seconds of it but immediately my phone pings. I grunt into the thick pillow I'm resting my head on. I hope to see a text from Jake but it is instead from an unknown number. Michael... Richy... Him.

I open it, a bit anxious to find what's in it. There's a link there. My finger is hesitant to click it. And when I do, I gasp at the screen. This is a live recording, showing Hannah in a bad shape, sitting down on some wooden bench, her hands are tied down behind her back and her long hair is hiding most of her face but you could clearly see bruises and dried blood. No sign of Richy but you can deduce that someone else was sitting next to her by the blank space that there's left. There is some rope undone on the floor too. I wait. I observe. Nothing is happening so I close the link and copy it to send it to the others.

Gloria : " Guys ! Look at this NOW ! "

Before I have the chance to discuss it with the others, I get another message from him. Words this time.

Unknown : " I want you to come to Duskwood Gloria."

I am surprised about how I am staying calm. I have probably used all my tears, fear and anger now. He types again.

Unknown : " If you want Hannah to live, you have to come to me. Tonight. "

Gloria : " What about Richy ? "

Is it too late for Richy ? Is that why he is not on the recording ? I pray to be wrong.

Unknown : " Have you considered yet that I am not the person you think I am Gloria ? "

I observe the phone, unsure of what my next move should be. Am I reading too much into what he just said or is my theory right ? I decide to be honest, that's all I can do.

Gloria : " I have yes. "

Unknown : " What is the name you would like to give me ? "

I am scared to type it, I am scared to be right. Or to be wrong. Both answers work.

Gloria : " Richy "

Unknown : " Bingo ! "

My heart skips a beat and breaks right there in my chest.

Unknown : " I'm sorry Gloria. I never meant for this to happened, I can guarantee that to you. I will not harm anyone, I will not harm you. I want to end this situation now. I want to be held accountable. I will do the right thing. But I need a friend. I need your help. I am sorry. I am. I made a mistake. A bad one. A horrible one. But please. I need you. Give me one chance to make it right. "

It's a trap, of course it is a trap. But like he is sensing my doubts through the phone he sends me this :

Unknown : " This is not a trap, I promise even if my promises are probably not meaning anything to you. Come to the Grimrock Waterfall. I will lead you to me, just follow the signs I will leave out for you to find me. I am hiding underground. In a mine. Once I see you, I will let Hannah go. I will explain to you everything."

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