Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The ambulance is on the way. Phil carries Jessy onto her couch while I search for a bucket and a washcloth. My jaw is so clenched that my teeth ache, the thought of Jessy being alone on that bathroom floor, hallucinating the most dreadful things possible does not sit well with me. Just like I had a hard time thinking about Jake living this nightmare by himself in that warehouse. It hurts my heart and knowing I can't do much about it frustrates me.

I sit on the coffee table, near Jessy, dabbing the cold washcloth on her warm forehead. Phil paces around the room, Jake leans against the wall, staring down at his shoes and Dan checks out the window for the ambulance. Jessy wakes up slowly and mumbles things I can't understand, her eyes opening and closing again and again until she finds the strength to keep them open :

" Gloria ! You're real ? " She asks and I glance at Jake before focusing back on her. That scene is too familiar.

" Yes, I am. You're safe, the ambulance is on the way, you're gonna be ok " I say softly to her.

" Don't let me fall asleep again, please, don't let me, I don't want to dream again " She begs me, sobbing. I am surprised to see her sitting up and grabbing my hands. I sit next to her and pull her against me, her frail body shaking against mine.

" It's ok, it's not real, it can't hurt you, do you hear me ? " I rest a hand under her chin to make her look at me " Whatever you'll see in your dreams, it can't hurt you, ok ? " she nods. I am not able to keep her from falling asleep again, this is all the comfort I can provide despite knowing it's not enough.

" My brain it feels... Heavy " She whimpers, closing her eyes " Throw up " Jessy puts her hand on her mouth and I quickly grab the bucket, putting it down on her knees, holding her red hair up. The content coming out of her is just as red. Blood. Lots of blood. She wails faintly, her eyes rolling back. I hold her and prop the bucket back on the coffee table. I lay her down on her side, her head on my lap, as she loses consciousness again. I caress her hair gently, hoping this could soothe her while she faces whatever is going on in her mind at that moment. I discreetly rub the sleeve of my jumper on my cheek to get rid of that tear rolling down my left eye.

I don't hear Jake's footsteps coming behind the couch. I only notice him when his hand drops on my shoulder. He bends down and kisses my temple :

" She will be fine " his voice whispers to me. I grab his hand on my shoulder and turn my head to have him in my vision " Now that she has you, she can only be fine " He assures me, bringing my hand towards his lips. Jake takes the bucket filled with blood and brings it to the kitchen to clean it. Dan and Phil join him and I hear whispers, angry whispers. The comfort that Jake brought me seconds ago can't stay because I have my suspicions back. When we were in the car on our way here, I thought that the secrets between Jake and Dan will be a problem for later but I am starting to think this problem and Jessy's problem might be connected. I can't manage to think properly or maybe I don't want to believe any of the scenarios that are partying in my head right now. I don't think she has been drugged against her will, but Jessy is not a drug person. Obviously, some puzzle pieces are missing :

" They're here ! " Dan exclaims as red and blue lights flashed outside.

I try to explain as best as I can what is going on with Jessy and the paramedics take care of her, letting us know they will bring her to Colville's hospital. She is steady for now, they didn't say anything more than that. They didn't seem surprised to hear about that drug they call the Devil's Fire. Once they are gone, I go to her bedroom to pack her a hospital bag, needing to be alone for a couple of minutes too. I rummage through her stuff to find a bag, clothes, and useful stuff she might need. My brain is empty, no thoughts, nothing, I am on auto-pilot, grabbing stuff, putting them in a bag. I jump when I hear Jake's voice :

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