The Agreement

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———3rd person———

"Please Y/N!! I'm begging you we need just one person to be a sub for our session!!" Mike practically shouts, pleading to his best friends sister. "You don't understand how much shit me and Dustin will be in if you don't help!" He continues, placing his hands together in a prayer for a response.

"Y/N I know you wouldn't want to hang out with a bunch of nerds but right now if we don't have someone by five we will be done for!" Your brother Dustin begs, holding your arms stopping you from moving any further in the middle of the hushed car park. You didn't mind DND, in fact you did play when your brothers friends came around on a Saturday when you were younger, but growing up you slowly lost that bond and became so invested in school. You pulled your face, causing worrying noises from the two younger boys in front of you.

"Fine, you got me, I'll play. But you have to buy me a drink and snack before we go! I'm not sitting for hours dehydrated and hungry." You smirked as both boys jump up and down, moving your body along with them.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" They both scream at the same time, ringing through the car park. laughing, you ruffle their heads as they slowly calm down from their outburst of energy.

"Now hurry on! Lunch just started and I'm not up for mum to rain hell on us for any detentions if you get caught looking like you are about to leave!" You reply, letting yourself out of Mike and Dustin's grip. They nod their heads, turning to face the side door they dragged you out. Adjusting your bag straps and jumper sleeves you begin walking to the door, followed by the boys who whispered in agreement to the plan for after school. They're so chaotic.

——— 1st person ———

I fix my skirt as I make my way through the packed canteen, full of groups of people within Hawking's High School. From the jocks who base their entire personality on the concept of throwing a rubber ball across a court or even the idea of colliding into each other in order to place a ball onto a patch of grass, the theatre and music community who talk about the latest movie soundtrack that came out, others who thrive off of peoples pain for their popularity and then the small herd of nerds that sit centre to all lunch time antics.

My eyes connect to Nancy, Mike's older sister who I've known for the years of DND meet-ups at each others houses. She raised her hand, waving for me to come and sit with her. I carefully dodge people who face my path and end up sitting in front of her on the small, rounded table that she announced as our own. Nancy mostly sits alone at lunch, busy writing ideas for the schools paper or revising over subjects she didn't want to fail at. I place my bag to the side, taking my spot on the small table located to the side of the main canteen. In reality, I never really liked the idea of eating lunch with so many loud and over energised people and spotting the table at the start of the year with Nancy was a blessing from the realisation of the lack of headaches after a couple days.

"What was that all about?" She questioned, her head lifted to face me after she came to a pause in her note making. Her hair curled so perfectly it always made me jealous of how I spent so much money on hair products to get the perm-like hairdo. Nancy was well known around Hawking's High School for her beauty and her well developed covers and headlines for the papers which compared to me felt as if she has won an award and I was the clean up crew from the amount of flowers that were thrown onto the stage.

"Oh just our siblings dragging me to play their game since someone had to cancel." I inform, taking out the recent book I was meant to study but got caught into a latest true crime story that came into sight. The idea of studying hurt my head and the idea of a new story coming out to the public caught my eye.

"Y/N you better have asked for something in return or else you just signed yourself up to an agreement you might not like. Look at them." Her voice rings through my ears as if she was a mother lecturing her daughter. I turn my head, facing the table near the exit of the canteen. Six of them sit, majority enjoying their lunch as the odd couple talk about the latest paper release of the newest games. Dustin and Mike sit next to each other, talking amongst themselves as the head of the table leans closer, hands holding a magazine. I never found out their friends name or didn't listen to all the attention the others around them mocked as they walked past.

"They aren't that bad! Besides I've bargained my way in reviving a nice meal for when we play." I add, smiling wide as I turn back to Nancy who's shaking her head. Deep down I'm excited to play a game again, it's been so long since I've distracted my thoughts with a nice game of Dungeons and Dragons..


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