The Kiss

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Hope you all are enjoying this story. I got more updates to come 💪


The movie came to the end with the credits rolling down the screen. People stand and begin walking off, hands holding the cups they have kept with little to nothing of drink, the odd packet of popcorn that has been twisted and turned into balls or the rare crumpled bags of treats to show they had some left in the palms of their hands. Eddie turns to face me, eyes creasing as his lips form a smile.

"So darling, did you enjoy the movie?" He asks, placing his elbow on the arm rest, waiting for my response. The only source of light was from the credits that still moved down, which only gave me small details of Eddie's face. His eyes lit up from the screen, looking deeply into mine.

"I really liked it Eddie.. what about you?" Smiling, I copy him. Placing my elbow next to him, leaning in.

"Same here. I think it was missing something though." He looks around, checking the room for any shadows that still had place in a seat. The room was empty. Every person who was there for the movie already left, leaving only the varied cups and rubbish that was waiting to be placed in a bin. After his quick glance around the empty room, he takes his opportunity. Leaning in and closing his eyes, he places his lips onto mine. His lips were soft like the kiss, guiding them across mine as we kiss to the barely noticeable song of the soundtrack. The seconds of the kiss felt so much longer. He moves back, opening his eyes to see me painted in red, as if a canvas that was brushed over with the dustiest of roses. My cheeks burned red, trying to calm from the sudden kiss from Eddie Munson.

"I'm so sorry, I should of asked to kiss you. I'll take you home, it's getting late." The panic within his eyes set of a domino of him taking my hand, directing the both of us to the exit as he tries to not think of the kiss he planted on your lips.

"Eddie stop! You are walking to fast!" I tap his arm, trying to grab his attention from the fear in his eyes. "Eddie Munson! Listen to me!" I continue to touch his arm, resulting in a less aggressive hit. He didn't stop, the idea of not asking first hit him hard as he makes our way to his van.

"Eddie!" I shout. His body listens, instantly stopping in the middle of the car park. Turning to my face, his eyes are wide, trying to figure out the next actions he must do. My arms reach up, holding each side of his face. "What are you doing? It's okay!" Eyes connecting, my eyes plead to stop, not wanting him to take me home. Who wouldn't want to leave? He just kissed me!

"I'm so sorry Y/N.. I kept looking over to you the entire movie and couldn't wash away the feeling of kissing you. I should of asked before pulling those prick moves of trying to catch you off guard." His hands lay on top of mine with his cold rings sending shivers down my body, cooling it from the heat rush of a kiss. "I've never asked a girl to a movie, a good looking one who I didn't think would say yes so I thought a romantic movie might set the mood but by the end of it I didn't want to mess this up." Eddie wraps his fingers in between mine, holding on as he speaks, stopping the rush of words he came out with initially.

"I really know how to get the good stuff out of you, you know that Munson?" I say, laughing as he admits his liking to me, ticking every box in my mind of the original thought before he asked me to the movies. Is this really happening? Like those really soppy films where they admit their true love to each other in the middle of a argument?

"If you really don't want this, I'm okay with that. Even if you still come to the Hellfire meet-ups, I promise I won't be that arsehole who still keeps going on about it." He weakly smiles, looking down to me as he still holds my hand.

"I do want something Eddie, but I want to do more stuff like this before. I don't want Dustin thinking I've fallen for the first man who has took me for a date. He might want actual proof you are deep down very caring Munson." I knew Dustin wouldn't care if I got with his friends, I just know Nancy would be the one who would be on lookout for any mistakes and take him to the grave. Besides, who doesn't want to be treated to dates once in a while?

"I'm down for that Henderson. I promise I will prove to you I'm the one."


Before I forget thank you for all the reads, it means a lot bros 💗💪

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