The Date

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Friday arrived sooner than later, which made everyone excited for the weekend. Most people would be going to town or the mall, others hanging with family but the rare odd would be playing DND till twelve at night. Instead, my plans consisted of starting the weekend with a date with Eddie Munson himself, followed by two days of daydreaming about the date until I see him Monday morning. The constant thought of having date with Eddie kept repeating in my mind with the ideas of what could happen. As soon as Thursday was crossed off the calendar, the butterflies became so consistant I felt unwell.

I pace around my room, sorting out my jeans as a try and calm down the waves of emotions that hit me like a sea wall. '5:57PM' stands out on the clock. Turning to the mirror, I glance over my outfit once more. Picking out an outfit felt like ordering food without knowing the menu. My shirt sits comfortably over the jeans I found hidden within my cupboards and a jacket I felt suited. Eyes glancing up and down to each area of the outfit, a knock of the front door echos through the house. The sound of running from down the hallway worries me, causing a rush of grabbing a bag, the house keys and some money. Opening the bedroom door, Dustin stands at the widely unlocked entrance with a confused look on his face.

"Eddie? What are you doing at my house?" He pulls a face, puzzled by the presence of his friend at his house on a Friday evening.

"Sorry Henderson, I'm here to pick your sister up. Maybe next time." Patting Dustin's head, he leans in, looking down the corridor to lock eye with me. I wave, walking over. Dustin's face drops, putting the pieces together and realising the events that are taking place in front of him.

"Eddie! You're seeing my sister?!" He shouts, lucky with the parents out for a meal, his voice caused no concern. My face feeling warm from his comment, not sure whether or not to take it as a compliment or concern for later on.

"Dustin don't worry about it. I'll bring her home before eleven I promise.." Eddie smirks, grabbing my hand once I'm close enough to his body.

"Dusty I left you some money on the kitchen counter so you can let your friends around for pizza! Ill be home later!" I call to him, waving goodbye with my free hand as I'm lead to the passenger side of his van. Dustin waves back, closing the door as soon as I'm sat inside his van. To say it's his van, it was spotless. To the side of my feet was a small box full of cassettes which have been labelled in numbers. He jumps into the drivers side, looking over to me with a grin on his face.

"Do you know how long I've been wanting to do this?" Eddie smiles, turning on the engine and putting it into gear. "Let's go watch a movie, shall we Miss Henderson?" His voice lowers, as if to sound like a butler in some type of castle.

"We shall."


After a short drive with music blasting through the speakers, we arrived at the cinema. Eddie parked close to the entrance, hopping out to rush to my door, opening it enough for me to slip out of the van. Lifting up his arm, he places it over my shoulder, locking the van before walking us to the ticket box. A range of movies list on the windows from 'The Breakfast Club' to 'Back to the Future'.

"Can we get two tickets for 'Dirty Dancing'." He announces, causing a gasp from me. Eddie Munson. The guy who I know well for his creepy yet mysterious personality who anyone would link to horror or even action picked 'Dirty Dancing'? A movie based on love and dancing??

"Eddie are you sure you are okay? I would of expected you picking the 'The Shining'?" I announce, looking up to him as he smirks, making sure his arm is secure around my shoulder.

"Henderson I'm not some type of kid who watches all horror, I do have interests, including you. Now sweet popcorn alright with you this evening?" Grinning, he walks us to the counter, orders drinks and a popcorn, then guides us to the room the movie is screening in.

Taking the seats near the back of the small room, we both get comfortable in the leather covered rows of seats.

"Eddie?" I whisper, tapping his shoulder after he placed a mouthful of popcorn in his cheeks. He turns and faces me, eyes lighting up as soon as they connect.

"Yes Henderson, is something the matter?" Smiling as he speaks, he places more popcorn in his mouth, waiting for my response.

"I was just going to say thank you for bringing me here. It feels so much nicer than being sat in my room doing studying.." my face burns red like wood being set on fire. His face glows from my comment, slowly leaning in towards me until the loud music of the movie begins playing. Backing out, he aligns his face to the screen, brushing off his action he had set in mind. My eyes stay focused on him. Eddie's cheeks blushing like a bouquet of coral pink roses. Did he just try and..?


Sorry if this is so short compared to others. Hope you are enjoying this book 💪

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