The Caravan

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I wrote this while slowly getting drunk so hope this is up to the standard


Once explaining that he lived with his Uncle, he pulled into the caravan park, knowing the area well due to Dustin's friend Max living in one. Parking in front of the entrance, he stops the engine, smiling over to me.

"My uncle does graveyard shift so you might not see him today, which is good the fact we are just grabbing a couple items." Jumping out the car, Eddie dashes to the passengers side, opening the door for me. Holding out a hand, I take grasp of it, leaving the van to head for the caravans door.
"I'm sorry if it's a bit messy in here, I promise it's usually cleaner!" Cupping my hands, he holds them up to his mouth, trying his hardest to impress me. Turning to the door, he opens it, allowing me to adjust to his home. The caravan wasn't too bad. From the mugs on shelves which was labelled with places around the US, cans of beer spread around the side table by the couch and a dish or so piled up by the sink. Smiling up to him, I enter, looking at the interior as he runs to his room, grabbing a small bag with him as he packs items to take to mine. Eyes darting around the lounge, I notice pictures of Eddie, hair from its shaved look to the newly addition of curly locks. Giggling at the faces he pulled, I sit on the couch, making sure not touching anything which was laying around. The sound of clothes being thrown into a bag could be heard from the entrance, with following of foot steps move back into the living room.

"I got everything baby, let's head to yours." Moving to my seated body, he places his soft lips onto mine, working his tongue against them. His hand moves up, cupping my face as he continues to kiss me, softening me to his touch. Hands finding his neck, the slight knock of the can sends us back, breaking the kiss out of the sound from the tin hitting the table. Taking my hand and pulling me up, we move towards the door, Eddie allowing me to leave first, holding the door open as he switches off lights and gets his keys ready to lock the door. Making the direction to the van, I open the door and take my seat, watching him at the caravans door, figuring out the right key in such dim lighting. Twisting the key, he smiles in satisfaction, jogging his way to the van, opening the door and sliding into his seat, throwing the bag to the back before switching the engine on. The music blasts through, enough to send vibrations through the interior. Reversing out and to the filter, Eddie keeps his hand on top of mine, holding my hand as he drives to the direction of my house.


Parking into the cleared drive, Eddie pulls the handbrake up, reaches back to grab his bag. Leaning close to my direction whilst grabbing the bag, he places a kiss on my lips, grinning at the ideas of the night ahead.
"Show me the way princess." Smirking, he takes charge in getting out of the van, shutting the door as I grab hold of the handle and follow him. The sound of him locking the van send a swirl of nervousness, like a ice cream being poured into a cone. Taking my hand, we walk together towards the front door, giving me space to unlock the door and let us in. The house was quiet, lights turned off with zero life living within.

"We can watch a movie? Dustin gets movies on discount by his friend Steve's job." Taking his bag from his hands, I guide him to the room, Eddie already knowing the the area well from his previous stay. Walking to the wardrobe and pushing a pile to the side, I grab his clothes he packed, folding them nicely into a stack inside the box. Every fold engulfing me with his unique smell of aftershave. It was intoxicating, as if the guilty pleasure of smelling the petrol once filling up the tank.

"A movie sounds good Henderson." Sitting comfortably on my bed, he watches from a distant as I continue sorting the messy clothes he has thrown into the bag, in a rush to go to mine. Once unraveling the last shirt, I notice the pattern of the 'Hellfire Club' on the front, mentally noting to wear it once he heads home. Turning around, Eddie sits with a grin on his face, as if watching a show that caught his attention. Shaking my head as I laugh, I place my hands on his face, being invited in with his arms wrapping the back of me, causing me to place my legs on his, moving them around to find a comfortable spot.

"God I'm a lucky man." Voice barely audible, he places kisses on my neck, lips softly landing in random parts. The words he spills out with send shivers down my back, creating a tighter gap between us. Never wanting to break the bond, He carefully pushes me back, letting me stand up once again, holding his hands out to stable me from sitting on his lap.
"I could of easily continued that my love but you suggested a movie and that's what we shall do." Standing up himself, he places a kiss on my head, taking his arm and wrapping it around mine, linking up as we walk to the living room, humming along.

"Eddie you sit down and get the couch warm, I'll pick the movie." Already knowing which movie I was going to chose, I smile, making my way to the small box Dustin kept by the television so we could sit and watch when the news got too much. The label "Nightmare of Elm Street" light up, allowing me to pick it up, placing it within the slot. Eddie already sat down, laying down with arms opened, ready for someone's presence. The screen changes, showing text of the name of the movie. He smiles, happy with my choice in movie, using his hands to try and guide me. Switching the lights, I shuffle my way to him, taking spot in between his arms as the movie starts. The atmosphere was perfect. From watching a movie on a Friday night after a long week of school to laying in the warm of Eddie's arms, fingers guiding around the tattoos which are visible. The volume increases, making my body move closer to him, feeling his breath on the back of my head, creating the formation of sharp shivers down my spine.

"Are you comfortable baby?" Whispering into my ear, driving me into a state of eagerness, eyes not even focusing on the movie. I don't even think I'm going to make it through this film.


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