The Question

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The lessons went by faster than usual. From Science to Maths then to lunchtime, it all came around quickly. Looking down each corridor as I passed, I kept my eye out for Nancy, hoping to see her before going for lunch. I felt guilty for leaving her before, the regret of not following her to lesson took a toll on my emotions. Eyes kept scanning each face I walked passed, anticipating hers to be one to spot. No where. She must of gone to the newspaper room.. Deciding the canteen would be too loud to be by myself, I walk outside to the nearest empty bench table. Sitting down on the painted seat, I grab the small sandwich and drink I packed the day before. The outside was silent, not a single person or voice could be heard from the courtyard. I didn't mind it. Looking around as I ate, I felt a presence of another fall onto my shoulders. Not giving in, I carry on, nibbling small parts of the bread.

"Are you really going to ignore your favorite person, Y/N?" A voice echos, scaring me in the middle of biting the sandwich, causing me to choke. "Oh god. Sorry! I didn't mean to cause that much harm with a hello!" Turning my head, I'm faced with the owner of the voice. Eddie steps closer, face scrunched up in a worrying expression.

"You should of just said my name rather than acting like a ghost behind me Eddie!" I shout, hitting his shoulder from the fright of his entrance.

"You didn't seem to be eating when I was walking over I didn't expect you to be that startled! Which leads me to my next question. Why are you sat outside by yourself?" He pulls a face after asking the question, sitting down on the opposite seat from me, hands placed over the table in his wait for an answer.

"I could ask you why you have decided to come outside rather than inside the canteen." I reply, grabbing the water from the side of me then taking a sip. Smirking once finished, I see his reaction is like a disappointed puppy, unhappy with not receiving an answer.

"Fine, fine you got me this time Henderson. Well I was going to grab a drink until I saw a pretty lady sat all alone on a bench waiting for some company. Besides the boys are being a pain about the rescheduling of the campaign.." He sighs, looking into my eyes as he swirls his rings around his finger.

"Who's the pretty lady Eddie?" I question, knowing who he means. I wasn't that clueless to flirting, I just wanted to hear him admit it himself.

"Oh come on Y/N I'm looking straight at her. You have struck up a second question from me Henderson, this is your lucky day. You free Friday night?" Eddie smiles, taking hold of my bottle of water, swirling it around patiently.

"In fact I am Eddie, what is happening Friday which you would like to question me about?" I ask, my face burning slightly from his straight to the point admitting he finds me pretty.

"You, me and the cinema. I heard there is some new movies that have come out and I need someone to share sweet popcorn with. You down?" Confidently leaning in, he places his face in the palm of his hand, watching my reaction.

"Hmmm.. sounds promising. Do you know where I live?" Face brightening up, I try calmly questioning him for this knowledge, knowing that I completely want to go with him. I know if I told Nancy or Dustin, both would ask me why the interest in Eddie. Ever since the first introduction of him and his personal affection to certain people made my attention head his way.

"Y/N did you really ask me that? Of course I know. Your brother has been getting lifts from me since the start of joining the Hellfire Club. Be ready by six so we can get good seats." He grins at me, standing himself up from the bench and slowly walks to the doors he must of came from. "Don't forget to eat the rest of that sandwich Henderson." Waving goodbye, he walks back to the canteen. My face burns, red from the interaction we just had. Did Eddie Munson, the leader of the Hellfire Club, the 'Freak' everyone says he is ask me,
Y/N Henderson, on a date?


The end of school bell plays loudly throughout the school, automatically making me grabbing my books and bag and heading out of the classroom, dodging people as I make my way to my locker. Lunchtime was running around my mind like a hamster with the amount of energy to turn on a lightbulb. Carefully getting passed the mass of bodies that were pushing through, I land myself face first to my locker door, putting the pin in and grabbing the books I left hours before hand. The rush calmed, allowing me room to walk in school rather than be pushed around like a ball in a game of football.

"Y/N! I need to speak to you right now!" The voice of Nancy announces from down the hallway, her shoes clicking every step she takes towards me. Just in time placing the books in the locker, her arms wrap around me with a tight squeeze. "Do you know how horrible I felt leaving you this morning! My friends are so rude I didn't realise how they were acting until you left by yourself this morning. I promise you I'm not going to force you to walk with me and if they are there!" Still squeezing me tight I hug her back, laughing at her apology.

"Nancy you have nothing to worry about, besides Eddie kept me company." I say in a confident tone.  Feeling her jaw drop into my shoulder, I knew I let the cat out the bag.

"Eddie? As in Eddie Munson? Dustin's DND friend-" She continues until I break free from the hug and hold her mouth, not allowing her to speak further.

"I'm giving you a lift home, you have a lot to catch up on."


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