The Inevitable

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In honour of Lucy who won't quit about me not finishing this story. You're lucky I didn't ruin your pasta. Count your lucky stars.

The months seemed to combine into a blur. With Jason's harassment coming to a close followed by the others taking the hint, the daily school life had come to peace with the war ending by the final thrown sandwich crust. Lessons became a breath of fresh air, as if the windows opened after months of a stuffy room. Alongside with the canteen, life didn't seem so much of an issue, despite the fears of finishing high school completely.

I stand by the door, twirling my thumb at the end of my shirt. Never have I been so nervous of standing, waiting for the inevitable to happen. Yet the inevitable was Eddie, picking me up for the last day of school.

"Have you got everything?" My mother calls from the kitchen, washing the dishes that always find themselves in the sink, waiting too for the van to pull up onto the drive.

"You sound more nervous then I do!" I step through, peeking my head past the door of the kitchen, noticing her expression, as if the cleaning products had found themselves interested in her eyes.
"Oh mum.." I sigh, watching a single tear roll down her cheek.

"You know me. My little girl has grown up too fast." She weeps, wiping the tear with the back of her hand, attempting to keep her mascara from running.
"You've really turned into a grown woman my girl." She attempts to smile, her lips quivering with every second she looks my way.

"I'm not leaving. It's just high school." I add in attempts to cheer her up. It wasn't helping, the floodgates had open and she was letting the tsunami of tears to set loose.

"Still." She sobs quietly, rushing to the counter with the kitchen roll, ripping a corner to wipe the existing tears away.
"I wish you could stay the same size you were as a baby." She sighs, continuing to wipe her face.

"Don't be silly, you still have Dustin to watch grow." I admit, already feeling the tears build in my eyes.
"Besides, I'm still your little girl." My lips curl in hopes of smiling, failing miserably. A knock on the door pauses the waterworks, setting both our attentions to the door creaking open.

"It's pouring it out there!" Eddie announces, his hair dripping wet like a dog out of water.
"I'll take your advice properly Mrs Henderson, raincoats are important." His attentions turns from the entrance to us standing in the kitchen, as if a hurt puppy was present. "Wrong timing?" His voice becomes less of a joke and more concerned, never seeing my mother cry before. "I can head back in the van if you need a second, I don't mind." He holds his hands up, slowly stepping back to the door.

"Oh don't worry dear, besides you both will be late for school." She wipes her eyes one last time, her hands turning into fans as she cools her face.
"And take a coat, I don't want you getting wet on your last day." Her smile is soft yet creasing to break out, ready to let out more tears. I nod, smiling at her softly.

"I love you mum." I smile, placing my arms around her in a tight hug, squeezing hard around her shoulders.

"I love you too, enjoy your last day guys." She squeezes back, taking in the embrace before breaking apart, stepping back towards the counter. "Now go! And don't forget that coat Eddie!" A smile finally appears on her lips as I walk over to him, picking my bag up before meeting his arms.


As the last bell rings for the day and goodbyes were said, high school came to an end. Driving down the street with Eddie with the windows down, shouting out in celebration to the finishing line of education.

"You sound so happy." He announces, turning his head to the side, admiring me in passenger. His curls are pushed to the side, allowing the view of his gummy smile.

"I am happy." I respond, turning to face him with a grin, enjoying the feeling of letting him take us where ever we wanted. "With you." My hand moves to his thigh, squeezing it softly as he drives, his head turning back to the road.

"You make me sound desirable." Eddie teases, cutting to the next lane, taking us down the back lanes of Hawkins. "I'm not complaining, keep it up." He laughs, slowing down the van as he hit the forest.

"I'll keep my mouth shut." I joke, turning back towards the window, watching the trees engulf the environment, each stump going past as if domino's falling down.

"You know how happy I am with you." He comments, taking my hand which stays on his leg into his, kissing it softly while driving down the quiet road. "I'll always be happy when I'm with you."

"Now you're just being soppy." Both our laughs fill the van, followed by the music on the radio keeping the steady flow. The inevitably of where he drives will keep me on my toes, whether a nearby diner or to a secret spot in the woods, yet one thing will never change. It all leads back to him.

I've finally finished this fanfic despite the constant reminders. It's weird to think people still read this, which no judgement whatsoever. If you've made it this far I thank you for attempting, I haven't wrote anything in so long.


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