The Knock

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Lips intertwined, we continue kissing, embracing each other in the darkness of his van. The feeling felt refreshing, as if a cold drink on a summers day. Music from the party continues to play, becoming progressively louder as our lips continue to dance together. He opens his mouth slightly, tongue pushing against mine as he makes his way within, tasting the drink I had within the house. My hands work their way to his head, tangling each finger within the strands of his hair, creating more curls in the lock. I felt more butterflies swarm into my stomach as we kiss, creating a ocean with waves crashing each time we move closer to the other's body. Eddie held me closer every time we moved, pulling me into his lap, causing my legs to wrap around his waist.

The back of his van was spacious but dark. Every time we shuffled, he made sure to dodge the loose box or items he places in the back away as he makes space against the side of the door. His hand becomes free, slowly travelling up my shirt, making its way to the straps at the back.

"Before I carry on, do you want to do this?" Eddie asks, pulling away from the extended making out. His eyes serious, not making anymore moves as he waits for a response.

"Yes Eddie, I want you." I say, face burning red from the ideas of what could happen in the back of this van. Lips crashing onto his, I crawl my way back into his arms, a build of nerves creating a wall in the process of his hand movements. Eddie continues, the cold rings on his fingers stand the hairs on my back as he proceeds to unclasp the strap from its position.

Three knocks on the van door break the kiss, causing us both to break apart in fear in who stands outside.

"Y/N? You in here?" Nancy's voice cracks through, her hand tapping the window at the back as she calls my name. "I'm going to head to Jess's! I'll see you tomorrow!!" She calls out, knocking one last time before a group of voices travel past. Our hearts pounding, hair in all directions and the rush of energy from the idea of being caught run through us.

"That was close." I breathe out, looking up to Eddie as he smirks down to me. He kisses me again, only small pecks over my lips as he reattaches the straps back together.

"I think we should head out ourselves Henderson. How about a burger?" Eddie announces, grabbing my waist as he lifts me up so I am able to stand. I nod, smiling at his every move as he gets up, moving his way to the front of the van to the drivers seat. "Care to join me sweetheart?" Turning his head, he reaches his hand out, asking for my presence at the front. Grabbing his hand, I shuffle my way into the passengers side, readjusting my hair from moments ago.


Eddie drives down the roads, windows rolled down with the recent cassette he placed before we headed on the road. His hand holding mine as he drove, only letting go to change gear or to pull the hand brake up. I kept my eyes on the on passing cars and houses, going over what happened in the back of his van. Deep down, I wanted him. Something about Eddie drove me in circles like a dog trying to catch its own tail. And the definite desire to be his partner was already present with his actions now.

"Eddie." I say, turning my head to face his. The hair which was once over his shoulders had been pushed behind his face, blowing in the wind as he drove. Acknowledging my voice, his hands slip down the vans radio box, turning down the volume in order to hear me clearer.

"What is it princess? Don't worry about not bringing any money, I'm paying for our date." His eyes stay on the road, watching out for the rare object to jump out. My face curves into a smile by his response, knowing he already planned to call this a date when asking him to come to this party.

"I wasn't going on about that Eddie! I was going to ask you about before.." My voice becomes quieter, trying to come together with the words I should say.

"Well I'm all ears love so shoot." Once his hand was free from changing gears, they travel to my thighs, moving up and down, warming his hand from the cold gearstick.

"Did you mean it when you asked me to be yours?" His hand tightens more, using his thumb to rub up and down on top of the denim. As I ask, he indicates to the side of the road, pulling his handbrake up as he pulls the van to a stop.

"I wanted you to be mine since the first time I locked eyes with you Y/N. You run around my mind like a hamster in a wheel, and that's not even most of my thoughts about you." Eddie smirks, turning to face me. "If you don't want to I won't push you, take your time." The wave of butterflies crash once more from his words. Another thing about Eddie Munson that draws me in, how he describes his liking to me. My hand cups his cheek, giving me a clear passage to kiss his lips as we sit under the street light.

"I want to be yours."


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