The Meeting

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Pulling into the pact car park with minutes to spare, both boys rush into the building to the side of the school, leaving only me to sort myself out before entering. Grabbing my bag and switching off the engine, I exit my car and make my way to the building I saw them enter from. Checking each room as I pass, I become confused in the long corridor. Where the hell did they go? I keep walking, eyes darting side to side to check for any sign of a group of boys playing a board game.

"Y/N!" A voice further down the corridor calls, echoing through the silent architecture. Dustin stands at a doorway, waving me to follow. Picking up speed, I make my way to him, checking every corner of my eye in fear of whatever hides in the shadows. "We are just in here! Don't worry no one really tends to come into this building so Eddie got permission by the Head mistress." He explains, grabbing my arm and pulling me into a room full of boys. Mike sits at one end of the room, Dustin's bag placed next to him. On the other end of the row of seats is two boys who seem to be in my year.

"Dustin I told you I wanted members for Hellfire not some pretty girl you decided to bring so you don't get your ass beat." Says a voice from the opposite side of the table. A tall, long hair boy stands, shirt the same as all the others with the drawing of a demonic creature with the words "Hellfire Club" painted with black. He faces Dustin, grabbing his shirt as he whispers into his ear, clearly not wanting anyone to hear what he has to say to my little brother.

"Um.. excuse me but Dustin did bring a Dungeons and Dragons player." I speak, moving closer to them, pausing the conversation. The boy looks my way, stepping towards me before ending up face to face.

"I'm sorry dear but I don't believe one second that you, someone dressed so well, is a player of DND. I would eat my hat if that was true but I just see you as some chick these idiots thought could play." His attitude changes, smirking as he speaks, never letting eye contact to drop as he hopes to cause the truth to escape.

"Mister im a Tiefling from the bloodline of Baalzebul, first level who is called Lerissa." I confess, smiling at the guy who's eyes catch all my attention. "My name is Y/N though and I'm Dustin's older sister, it's nice to meet you?" Holding my hand out, waiting for him to respond to my kind acts.

"It's Eddie Mrs Y/N.." Hands intertwine as we shake, eyes never leaving my sight. "My apologies for such an overreaction. These boys sometimes come forward with ideas that I wouldn't say are clever but I would like to take it back. Welcome to Hellfire Henderson." We break eye contact, him turning to the boys who watched it all unfold. Making his way to his side of the table, he pulls out cards. Eddie must be the Dungeon Master for this campaign..


After hours past and a defeated creature we took down, it soon was ten at night and the roars from the basketball court next door echoed through the room, causing me to jump from unexpected sounds. From such focus to the session I forgot about the match which is taking place, which was a surprise to hear cheering so late into the night.

"Okay guys I think we have done plenty of killing for one day I think we should call it a night. Besides I think you kids need your sleep since you are struggling with your grades as a little birdie told me.." Eddie announces, gaining groans from the room due to excitement of playing a session after a long session. "Don't worry I'll try and move the next session sooner." Picking up his dice and cards, Eddie moves around the room and places them inside a cabinet which stores all the information and ideas for upcoming and previous campaigns they held. To say I haven't talked to Dustin and Mike's friends, they welcomed me really well and introduced me to secret jokes that 'only Hellfire members know'. Placing my items into the bag, I get ready to leave when my hand was held back. Turning around is stood Eddie, smiling as he stopped me from further movement.

"I just wanted to thank you for taking Lucas's place tonight. That kid is so invested into basketball right now it's ridiculous to find someone to play within this group." His voice soft as he spoke, as if resting your head on a pillow that never seems to lose its light touch. "I'm sorry if you were intimidated around us, I know a bunch of freaks like ourselves can be weird to hang around so I hope you had fun.." Eddie's voice slowly hushes as he releases my arm, taking a step back in an attempt to not scare me.

"I was going to thank you! I haven't played Dungeons and Dragons in so long it felt so refreshing to play a campaign, even if it was just one session." Smiling as a look up to him, his height over taking mine as he stays still, not moving a muscle.

"Well Miss Henderson you have now been formally invited to the Hellfire Club. By the leader himself. The others don't seem to hold back any disagreement with my decision." He bows, tucking one arm behind as the other leads forward asking for my hand to join the group. Nancy wouldn't mind me hanging out with some nerds, right? She would be happy to see me progressing with different people rather than herself. I smile, taking his hand and laughing at his pose.

"Oh I would love to Eddie. You are very kind.." Grinning as I shake hands, he straightening up with a smirk plastered on his lips.  I begin to feel my cheeks burn up, automatically making my head turn to face away to see Dustin talking to Jeff. "I'll probably see you lot tomorrow around school.. Dustin do you two want a lift back?" Gaining their attention they shake their heads, smiling at the sight.

"Jeff said he can drop us both since he lives close to Mike's. I won't be late Y/N, don't worry!" Dustin beams, waving goodbye to me then returning to the conversation with the others. Shaking my head as a laugh, I place my bag on and wave goodbye to everyone as I make my way to the car, constantly checking every corner. Something about this area always gives me the chills, it must be because of how unused and damp the building is after a couple years of mistreatment. Unlocking the car and hopping in, The Smiths turn on. Turning the volume up and putting it into gear, I pull out of the car park and begin the journey home in the cold night. Passing street lights and the setting sky that enters its rest fill my eyes as I travel down the roads.

"Today was good." I say, tapping my fingers to the next song on the tape that Dustin brought me. How he remembers my interests still shocks me. Looking passed every road I turn, singing along to the song and enjoying the feeling of enjoyment for the first time in a while. Hopefully I can hang out with them more..


The Hellfire Club  - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now