The Fight

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Looking into the mirror, I notice Eddie's presence in the bedroom door's frame, leaning his shoulder onto the wooden board as he watches from afar, taking in the view. His room was small, but perfect for two bodies getting dressed for a party. Face covered in fake blood, hands covered in wrapped up cloth and the addition of a leather jacket, he was fit for his role, smirking over to me. Applying the last of the blood to my cheek, I turn to face him, twirling in the process, showing him the outfit I put together. Eddie smiled, clapping his hands to the show, cheering along as I twist around, gaining a laugh back to his action.

"Now let me see!" I giggle, moving closer to see his outfit completely, noticing the creases in his cheeks as he smiles, standing up straight and slowly moving himself in a circle, allowing me to admire him.
"We are definitely Jd and Veronica." Leaning in, I place a kiss on his lips, trying to not smudge the drying blood on my lip in the process.

"Eddie? Are you and Y/N ready? I can give you a lift since I'm heading to work." Wayne calls from the other room, sending him back towards the door, making sure he was no where near the door. Wayne was the type of guy to walk into the front door, grab a beer bottle from the case placed in the district spot in the fridge, use the well worked bottle opener and sit on the couch with his feet on the coffee table, tired from his hard day of work. The introduction was pleasant, from conversations to his nephews childhood memories to questions if I was needing food before going to the party. Eddie, of course embarrassed by the consistant questions took us to his bedroom, allowing us to get ready.

"If you wouldn't mind!" He responds, smiling as he walks his way towards the lounge, leaving me to have one last check in the mirror. Closing the door on the way out, I follow them both to the front door, locking it shut as they jump into the back of Wayne's car. Eddie waits, holding the back door open, allowing me to shuffle across, ears filling up with music already playing on the speakers. Their music taste was quite similar with additions of The Smiths and Joy Division . Shutting the door as he enters, Wayne begins reversing out the drive, humming the tune, not paying attention to the side mirrors.

"Now kids, buckle up. Wayne is going to be ten minutes late if you don't." No hesitation, he pulls into the first gear, speeding out the carpark yard, never looking back..


Waving goodbye as Wayne drives off, we stand together, holding hands as the sound of music blasts through the garden of the house. The over-flowing of people stand around the makeshift seats that are located around the front door, most drinking from cups as the odd two dance to the song playing. Eddie squeezes my hand, pulling us past the crowds into the house, facing with outfits from zombies to a vampire. Hands land over my shoulder, causing me to jump on the spot, turning around to see Nancy, dressed in a summery dress, hair in natural curls with the biggest smile on her face.

"You came!" Shaking my shoulders as she spoke, I laugh, noticing Eddie taking a glance around the longue to the people who were singing along, drinks in their hands.

"Well it's something new!" A figure makes its way to Nancy, stopping with enough gap to draw her attention their way. Two glasses in their hands with sunglasses on and their hair pushed to one side. Steve Harrington. Grinning as he passes one her way, his eyes move to the side, acknowledging our presence.

"Y/N!" His voice vibrating through the room, echoing enough as if the song blasting through the entire house. He moves my way, placing a arm around my shoulder before moving back, taking a sip from the glass.
"Looking well! Haven't seen you since Nancy's birthday!" Smiling with every word, I laugh, remembering the terrible attempt Steve had in decorating the house with Johnathan for her birthday, destroying Mrs Wheelers favorite vase in a rush to place flowers in.

"It's nice to see you again Harrington!" Nancy takes sips from her cup, pulling a face with every intake from the sharpness of the alcohol present.

"So who was that guy you're just with?" Steve questions, looking to the side of me, face in confusion. Turning to see where he was looking, Eddie's presence was no longer there, vanished within the seconds of talking to Steve. The raise in panic began building, darting my eyes around the room, in search for the curls of hair which I called my boyfriend.

"That's Y/N's partner Steve." Nancy states, turning back to him, continuing their previous conversation.

"I'll come back to you guys." Fear runs through my words, leaving the small crowd we built by the entrance, pushing past bodies of people, searching for Eddie within the mass. My eyes scanning each face, moving through the corridor into the kitchen, noticing two figures which shouldn't be in the same room. Jason stands with Andy and Chance behind in, arms crossed with their disgusting slimy green jackets on. Facing them stood Eddie, leather jacket slowly rolling down his shoulders as he stands his guard along with a pissed expression plastered over him. Shit.

"Why is some reject like you at a party like this? How about you go to your make believe world before I beat the shit out of you." Jason spits out, voice raising with every word, gaining the eyes of the odd person standing close enough to watch. Unbothered by the comment, Eddie shakes off his jacket, placing it on top of the kitchen, locking eyes with me as he turns.

"Jason how about you fuck off and let us all enjoy this party? Don't be such a dick and ruining the fun." Stepping closer while he speaks, They both notice the gap becoming smaller, which Chance takes it upon himself to grab Eddie's shirt, stopping him from coming any closer.

"You never fail to amaze me sometimes Munson, really. I feel like I should teach you a lesson or two for the way you just spoke to me." Without a second to process the situation, Eddie lunges forward, punching Jason in the cheek. Once the first fist was thrown, they retaliated, all three taking turns to throw their hands into the ring of Eddie. People to the side made noises, mixed between sympathy and excitement, upset to see some 'Freak' get beat yet enjoying the feeling of it not being them. My feet move to the fight, grabbing Andy person by their collar, remembering the technique Dustin taught me and punching them into the chest, causing them to wobble back, most likely intoxicated still. Chance notices my involvement, leaning over Eddie's body, reaching for my hair.

"You bitch!" He announces, hands taking hold of my shirt. Eddie finds the space to miss Jason's furious punches, kicking him away from the both of us. My hands continuously push Chance away, the rush of fear from his close touch. Taking the opportunity, Eddie pushes his body back into the cabinet, leaving us scrambling from the floor to stand up. Taking his jacket with one hand and his bloody hand with the other, we run through the crowd of people, from the audience from the fight to the ones enjoying the party. Our legs move as fast as they could, leaving through the front door and towards the road ahead.

"Get back here you freaks!" Jason shouts, stopping by the postbox, holding on as he watches us run away, music still echoing through the street as we sprint past houses. Cars drive past, watching us in confusion to the rush in our step, never looking back as we slowly get closer to a safer area. Making it near the town hall, we pause, out of breath from the escape of the basketball players. His cold, bloody hands travel to the sides of my face, shaking in the cold.

"You never told me you could throw that good of a punch, and to fucking that bitch Chance." Kissing my lips as we shiver in the cold air, unable to process the events which had taken place.


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