The Dispatch

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———first person———

As I finish the last paragraph on the book laid in front of me the lunch bell rings, indicating the next lesson was soon to follow. Nancy smiles, grabbing the loose sheets of paper on the of the table and brings it all together within her hands, placing them securely in her bag. I do the same, grabbing the bottle of water I pulled out half way through the hour we had of a break. Transferring my bag on my back, I wave goodbye to Nancy and head our separate ways in the different corridors to the lesson we were to have next. English. I shook the thought for later on in the day. Majority of the corridor was compact, full of students like me who move in all directions they could possibly be in. Carefully dodging people with my bag close to their shoulders, I finally enter the empty English room. The room silent as if a zombie apocalypse was on its way and no one was around to teach or even learn. Taking the seat nearest the window, I get comfortable to sit in quietness due to almost everyone being too excited about the new basketball match that is taking place in the evening. I mentally take note of the lack of Lucas being around, probably the whole reason to Dustin and Mike's beg for someone to step in.

"Alright—" Mr Thompson stated, walking into his classroom to be faced by only me and the random girl who I've never once spoken to in my time at Hawking's High. I'm pretty sure it was Lauren? Not that I was too worried about the lack of memory for half of my classmates. "I wasn't expecting just two people to be ready." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head of the lack of pupils in his eye sight. Deep down I knew he understood the recent excitement of a basketball match.

"Well! Ladies just work on your books I'm not making you both do questions from a text book while the others think it's suitable to not show. I'm going to grab a coffee.." he grabs his mug, muttering the last part as he leaves the room. I hope this lesson doesn't drag on.


I take my books that are spread across the English classrooms table. The bells rings for the end of the day, travelling through the building. Luckily most of my equipment was sat waiting in my bag, watching the time go by as the room sat in complete silence.  Placing all belongings within my bag, I leave the room, waving goodbye to my teacher as a head through the silent corridors. Turning down a corner to the corridor leading to my locker felt so pleasing, from the lack of students pushing past to grab the bus to the avoidance to the annoying sporty kids that throw balls down the corridor. Reaching my locker, unlocking it to pick up the odd textbook needed for future exams I was ready to head to the car. Wrapping my fingers against the cold sensation of the keys, I start to walk to the exit closest to the car park, watching each classroom I pass as I stare at the silent school building.

"Y/N!!" A voice from the corridor previous shouts, causing me to holt. Stood out of breath was both Mike and Dustin, hands holding their bags in place from the extra movement while running. To my defence, I was not expecting both to be chasing after me. After all it was only half three and you had plenty of time to drive home and find a comfortable outfit for your first Dungeons and Dragons match of the year.

"Can you give us a lift home?—" Dustin's voice breaks the silence after the seconds of catching air. He takes his cap off to redo his hair, pulling it back to show his face. Mike looks forward with a pleading look on his face.

"You guys really know your timing.. come on before I drive off without you." I smile, walking through the doors to the outside, making my way to the small car. Both rush after me, catching up to my steps. In reality, I don't mind being a nice older sister. After unlocking the car, both boys enter the back seats, buckling up for the drive back home. Starting the engine I press my accelerator and slowly lift my clutch, moving my car forward.

——— timeskip/firstperson———

Taking a deep breath I sort the curls in my hair, twirling them nervously in between my fingers as I stare deep into the mirror. Who knew I would be so nervous for a game of Dungeons and Dragons? Twisting enough to check for any marks or wrinkles in my skirt, moving my eyes up to my striped jumper. I definitely didn't look like a average DND player or even someone who would like 'nerdy' games and movies.

"Y/N hurry up! Eddie might kick our asses if we are late for this session!" Dustin shouts, knocking on the door to your bedroom. Totally forgetting the time you check your clock, reading '4:45PM'. Unlocking the door,  grabbing the keys and bag while passing the hallway, double checking each pocket of the essential kit needed for this session.

"You guys get to the car, mum and dad are out so I got to lock the door" I explained, turning off the lights and television that played the weekly news report. The sound of feet rushing out the door ran though the house, indicating they both were ready. Checking one last time, I place the keys to the door, shutting it behind me as I lock it.

"Hurry!!" They shout from the rolled down window, begging you to hurry from their asses being beat for a late attendance to this campaign. Listening to the repeated phrase, I jump into the car and begin speeding out the drive and down the road to Hawking's High, once again.


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