The Weather

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Autumn was finally coming to its last hurdle. The warmth of the summers ray churned itself into a sour chill, pushing itself against everything in its path. Despite the spit of sun, the sky was painted in mist, grey taking over the blue which once stood in the same place. Eddie didn't mind, spending time walking through a park in the wind, holding my hand until his hood was pushed away from his hair, panicking to keep his curls in one spot. The weather only added to the time we had together, from having drives in his van with music at its loudest to sitting in the caravan watching movies in the start of the morning before heading to school hours later. It was different, yet felt like taking sips from a cup of coffee, the warmth of the liquid yet kicking in like a burst of lightning.

Eddie hand was already settled over mine, intertwined with his thumb caressing my skin as we make our way towards the canteen, pushing through the crowd building by its entrance, all piled into a circle as they explain the lesson previous. After the party, Jason was quick to pick up on every factor of us, from talking around the table about the upcoming session to the idea of us dating, which only made the feeling of being watched to it's highest. Once reaching the compact canteen, Eddie lets go, walking to the line forming, taking it upon himself to collect food. My eyes never look up, navigating past tables and bodies, slowly arriving at the table. Nancy smiles, taking hold of her bag which once had a seat next.

"Now not to worry you but your face seems as if it's a deer and I'm a pair of headlights about to crash into you." Her hand pats the seat, allowing me to step into the chair, never turning back.
"But seriously you look as pale as my mums table cloth, what has gone on?" Leaning in, Nancy cups her hand in front of her ear, comically to catch the others attention.

"It's really nothing, just forgot to bring a coat that's all. I heard it's supposed to rain by the time we leave." Pulling a face to my comment, she shakes it off, continuing to smile.

"If you say so.. but if something or someone is bothering you let me know, I don't mind causing a fight for you." Patting my shoulder, her eyes become attached to the sandwich which laid perfectly to the site of her notebook. Glancing over each face of the table, Dustin's keep contact, pulling his lips to a straight line, uncertain to the comment. It wasn't as if he had no idea of the fight, he was informed with every detail which was asked, impressed by Eddie's hits and shocked to my punch, not believing that I, Y/N Henderson, could throw a fist at Chance and get away in time. Jeff continued talking to the both of them, diverting Dustin's attention to the conversation.

"Food delivery for a Miss Henderson?" Eddie's voice announces from behind me, higher in pitch in the act to his new character. Holding a tray in each hand, he slides one in front of me, double checking before sitting down himself and placing down his. Hanging out with him for half the week meant he became aware of each preference, sometimes deliberately adding items I would barely touch.

"Thank you Munson." A smile plastered on my lips drive him into a cheesy grin, proud of himself to his memory, remembering the right pudding after weeks of attempts. The table was peaceful, all enjoying their lunch with the addition of a conversation, admiring the new dice Mike's mum brought him to Gareth's drumsticks breaking. Everything seemed okay, but the gut feeling began to grow, putting me off the meal in front of me.


Rain had made itself present, causing the groans from others as they realise their rookie mistake of forgetting a coat. Class was near a finish, Mrs Burtons rant was coming to a close with majority of students unbothered or in a trance with the rain rolling down the windows. Nancy sat close by, head in the notes as she writes down the words being spoken, not noticing the clocks hands nearing the bell. My eyes laid upon the rain rolling down the window, mesmerised with the race between the small beads of water, running down the windowpane with priority to head to the bottom. The distraction was appealing, dragging my attention away from the crashing waves of fear.

"Alright students, hope you understood this weeks homework. Remember it's due next Monday..." Her voice is scratchy, rough like a strip of sandpaper from a hard days work, deprived of a water to sooth the itching sensation of Mrs Burtons voice. The sensation draws the battle to a close, directing my eye sight to Nancy, already packed up and waiting patiently next to my seat. It wasn't the usual face that would greet me, instead a face of concern, biting of the lip with a tilt of her head.

"You seem out of it." Nancys voice never sounded concerned often, too peaceful to have any fear towards anyone, as if her own personal disguise to her own emotions. She was right, like always. Standing up, her eyes follow my moves, watching like a dog to its owner. I hated seeing her like this, worrying her again after the clear streak with no issues.

"I can give you a lift today, Dustin is going over to Lucas's." Taking a grip of the bag handle, I lift it up, over my shoulder, stepping to Nancy with the spare arm ready to hook her up. She nods, smiling as we hold each other, enough grip to walk at a pace out the classroom...


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