The Sleepover

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Turning to my side, I begin hitting the clock, trying to stop the constant annoyance of its sound while I try continuing sleeping. From tapping to frustration from the sound still ringing through the room, I hit it again, Opening my eyes, figuring out the theory of the unstoppable alarm clock. Eddie lays next to me, grunting as he turns to his back, facing the ceiling after dealing with the attack of my hand to his shoulder.

"Fuck." I whisper out. Completely forgetting that he stayed the night. Once Mike and Lucas left to go home and was too late to drive, I allowed him to sleepover. Turning off the clock, I shuffle back into the covers, seeing the sun rising through the curtains.

"Mmh baby are you okay.." Eddie's voice is raspy as he talks, opening his eyes. The realisation of yesterday hit me, turning my body into a painted canvas of red carnations. Nodding my head, I move towards his body, arm already asking for my embrace. It felt warm in his arms, like a jacket to a freezing body on a winters day.

"It's six Eddie.." I mumble, placing my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat as we lay in the mornings light, soaking up in each other's arms before working the courage to leave the warmth.

"How about i take you to school darling.. saves taking two cars while we are both here." He begins to sit up, stretching out, giving me a taste of his tattoos. Who knew he had so many?
"Baby, do you mind if I use your shower?" Eddie asks, lifting the cover from himself, allowing him to leave the bed. Hissing as if a vampire touched by light, I shiver in my sheets, looking at Eddie as he looks down to me.

"Yeah, let me show you it." I take the covers off, crawling out the bed before standing in front of Eddie, eyes looking me up and down.

"How about you join me?" Winking as he asks, I hit his chest, pushing him out the bedroom door to the bathroom. I open the door, allowing him to become accustomed to the surroundings.

"The towels are in the cupboard and you can use Dustin's products, I don't think he would mind." Blowing a kiss to him, I close the door, hearing a click from the other side. I can't believe he stayed the night. Turning to face the kitchen, Mum and Dustin stand, mugs in their hand as they stand, as if waiting for me.

"Morning Y/N." Dustin smirks, taking a sip of the drink in his mug, looking over to our mother as she grins.

"Care to tell me who that gentleman who stayed in your room last night is?" Mum questions, knowing mostly everything from Dustin.

"That's Eddie. He is.."

"Your boyfriend? Dustin told me. You seem to have found yourself a handsome slice of pie sweetie." Smiling as she speaks, I feel my face burn red like a campfire.
"Don't worry though, I won't embarrass you today. I got a important meeting in thirty minutes! I love you both, have an amazing day at school!" She kisses Dustin's head as she places the empty mug into the sink, moving across the room to kiss mine. Grabbing her bag and coat, she opens the front door, blowing kisses to us both before leaving to her car. Dustin continues to smirk.

"I didn't think Eddie and you were actually a couple but I'm not complaining, it's nice to see you enjoying yourself. Talking about enjoying stuff! Mike and me are riding to school today so don't worry about giving me a lift." I smile, nodding my head to him.

"Princess you can go into the shower if you-" The bathroom door opens, Eddie topless with a towel around his waist. His hair wet with curls already forming from their contact to the air. Dustin stands in shock, not expecting his friend to stand half naked in his own house.
"Oh hey Dustin."


Once dressed and having toast, Me and Eddie began our journey to school. The air was cold, which Eddie resisted the urge to not smoke from my already shivering body. The roads were quiet as Eddie started driving, allowing us to enjoy Motörhead. His hand lands on my thigh, keeping it warm for when he goes to change gear. Something about him felt safe, despite all the comments people say about him in school.

"Baby take this." Turning to face me as we hit traffic lights, he begins to remove his jacket, placing it onto my lap before continuing driving.

"Eddie you will get cold!" I tap his shoulder, trying to put it around his back. Shaking it off, he looks into my eyes, stern as if telling me to wear it.

"I'm not letting my girl freeze to death in this weather sweetheart. Besides, you'll look smoking in my clothes." Continuing to drive, I slide the jacket through my arms, already smelling the hints of aftershave and cigarettes. His hand stays on my thigh, humming the next song on the cassette. Finally pulling unto the parking lot, the mass of cars start to pile up, leaving Eddie to pull the van near the back. Squeezing my leg, he smiles, placing a kiss on my lips.
"That really suits you." Adjusting the sides for me, he grins at his masterpiece, pretending to take a picture with his fingers. Laughing at Eddie's action, I grab my bag, opening the door and letting myself stand in the cold wind. He follows, locking the van up before walking across to meet at my side.

"You really know how to make me smile." I say, holding my hand out, returned with his intertwining. Rings brush against my skin as we walk towards the doors, dodging the cars that start appearing into the car park. Once we made our way to the building, I push him to the side door, dragging him into the less busy corridor. People begin heading to the classrooms, leading me and Eddie to gradually become less crowded.

"Lunch?" He questions, taking my hand to his mouth before kissing it. I nod, smiling up to him.

"Only for you Munson."


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