The Smoke

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The car was silent without him. Driving past the trees without his weird addition of how the tree resembled someone in a yoga pose to the houses which were now covered in decorations, ready for the upcoming event of Halloween. Monday had arrived and started with no Eddie to wake up to.

Spending the weekend by blasting music through the vans speakers whilst heading to a nearby diner, playing around with his hair as we sit watching the sunrise due to our outburst of energy to holding each other in his van as the tiredness kicked in from staying up for the night. It felt exciting, like a shot of expresso after a long period of no caffeine, which as soon as Sunday evening hit, the after effect of the coffee leaving the system hit with Eddie heading home to refreshen for school.

Looking around the car park, the noticeable van pulls in, swerving into a spot close enough, further down in the rows of lines. Watching from the rear view mirror, Eddie jumps out, locking the van before reaching down to his pocket, pulling out a cigarette roll. Taking the lighter from the opposite side, he lights it up, placing it up to his lips before inhaling, walking toward the side door. Reaching into the back, I take hold of my bag, placing it over my shoulder before opening the door. Standing up, I lock the car, proceeding to the set of doors he was walking towards, speeding up my pace. Reaching up to the door, he stops, allowing time to finish the cigarette lying between his lips. Turning around, his eyes lock with mine, the sides of his mouth crease into a grin and eyes lightening up. Eddie opens his arms out, using a hand as a guide for me to follow, the tips of his fingers moving back and forth, inviting me over. My steps become quicker, walking right into his arms, hit with the smell of strong aftershave with the hint of the newly lit cigarette melting in.

"Baby!" Wrapping his arm around my frame, using the other to put the butt of the cigarette out on the side of the building. He was warm, just like the last time I saw him before he headed home. Curled looped into perfection, clean shaven with the new addition of a necklace around his neck. The feeling was exhilarating.
"I didn't see your car when pulling in but I'm glad I got a glimpse of you before heading in." Placing his fingers through my hair as he speaks, humming along to a Dio song.

The bell vibrates throughout the building, forming a queue of people pushing their way through the entrance, all in a rush to get there first. Hand reaching up and cupping Eddie's face, I smile, kissing his lips. As if placed under stage lights, his face brightens from the touch, fully focused on my movement.

"I got English Munson, but I'll see you at lunch." Hands still holding my waist, he nods, agreeing towards the settled lunchtime plan. Placing one last kiss, I playfully break free from him. Taking one last glance, Eddie walks up to the door, opening the door enough to pass through, making his way down the corridor. Once the build up of bodies at the entrance settled, I began my journey, walking past the odd crowd of people before ending faced with Mr Thomson, arms crossed, waiting for the rest of his students to arrive.


The lunch bell rings, rushing everyone into the cafeteria, sitting on seats around the table as if they would be taken, although designated from the start of the year. Mike and Dustin sit one side of the table, eating their lunch while listening to Gareth and Jeff talk about their recent magazine. Taking my side of the table, I smile to the boys, noticing their eyesight travelling to my presence.

"Nice to see you Y/N!" Jeff announces while smiling back , bringing me into conversation.

"How was Maths? Mrs Roberson seems to be in such a shitty with everyone today." Gareth rolls his eyes, remembering the previous lesson we shared. Gareth and Jeff seemed to become more close towards me, including me into the group as our similar age range. I laugh, thinking about him being shouted at for not bringing the homework set two weeks ago.

"Gareth maybe you should do the homework like I told you a week ago. Roberson always gets pissed off even if it's missing a pencil." Jeff hits his shoulder, laughing at his friend. Mike and Dustin laugh as well, realising their food is slowly going cold, digging back in.

"Y/N!" Nancy's voice travels towards the table, placing her bag to my side before sitting down next to me, face brightening with every second as she arrived.

"Nancy? Where have you been?" I turn my head, facing her as if she was a bottle of champagne, ready to crack open. She giggles, looking around the table, noticing their lack of attention to our conversation, leaning in, covering my ear with her hand.

"I heard through the guys in the newspaper room that there's a Halloween party on Friday and well... I got us the tickets for it." Grinning from side to side, I pull back, ideas forming from the thought of going. It's not like it's my first party I'm going to.
"And you can invite a certain someone since I got enough for us, how about it!" Nancy continues, looking into my eyes for the yes that was dying to be announced.

"Of course." Eddie's voice from behind us scares us, turning to face him with a smile over his lips. Hand brushes through his hair as he stands, his eyes lock with mine, acknowledging the idea in my mind. Our relationship wasn't known yet towards the others. Jeff questioned Eddie but got no response, while Gareth paid zero attention, eyes on girls himself and never asking. Mike had suspensions, questioning Nancy on our relationship but got shut down for the information.

"Where have you been Eddie?" Gareth asks, pausing the bite from his sandwich to the missing leader.

"Just had to deal with something Gareth, one of the teachers were being a bitch to me." Sighing as he walks to the seat next to his friend, hands in pockets, rolling up a cigarette for his next smoke.

"Mrs Robertson?" Jeff questions, laughing at the recurring theme of the teacher during the day. Eddie sighs, nodding his head from the annoyance of the name.

"She really knows how to piss me off." We all laugh at his words, already from knowing the pain of the teacher. Nancy smiles, looking down to her lap before passing a sheet of paper onto my lap.

"That's for you and him." Quiet enough for no one to hear, I place it inside my jacket pocket, excitement building inside to the idea of going to a party with Eddie.


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