The Rain

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The bell rings for the end of the school day, sending everyone into a frenzy, grabbing their bags before running out the classroom. To say it was Monday, it felt like Friday all over again.

Once Science had gone by with a small gossip with Nancy about the weekend, Lunch arrived. As we walked into the canteen, we both stood clueless to the lack of the boys at the table, leaving us no choice in sitting alone at the side. English arrived with zero enthusiasm to proceed with the topic overview. Which felt like minutes, turned out to be the entire two hour lesson.

I slowly reach down for my bag, placing the pencil and paper with barely any words written inside. The weather was brewing, growing darker in clouds as it slowly covered Hawking's.

"Y/N? Lesson has finished. You can leave." Mr Dickinson announces, stopping my eye contact with the window. Catching me off guard I jump, forgetting my presence within his classroom, only myself and him still standing inside.

"Sorry Mr Dickinson, see you tomorrow." I wave goodbye, placing my bag over my shoulder, walking out the classroom to the silent hallways. It always felt wrong the silent corridors. The uneasy feeling with the chances of a storm building could write the beginning of a horror movie. Stepping closer to the front doors, my head turns, looking around each classroom I pass, fear piling up like clothes ready to be washed. Increasing the pace, I arrive to the door, pulling it open and letting myself pass through. Eyes only focusing on the car, I dart, speeding up my walk as I concentrate. The heavens open as soon as I take seat inside the car, rain violently thrashing against the hood and windows.

"Thank god." I whisper out, out of breath from the rush of energy which ran through my veins. Turning up the volume to the cassette, I turn the keys in the slot: stitching the engine on. Placing the gear stick into slot, I push down the handbrake before driving out the car park, raining hitting every aspect of the exterior.


Pulling into the spot, I become faced with Eddie's van, sat on the opposite side of the drive. Eddie? From the lack of his presence at school surrounded questions in my mind. Why would he be at my house? Unstrapping the seat belt and grabbing my bag, I leave the car, slamming the door shut. While walking past the van, I check inside, only seeing the mass of cassettes Eddie kept on hand for his drives. From Metallica to Black Sabbath, he had them all ready by his gear stick.

Continuing down the path, I notice shadows inside, walking around. Grabbing the keys for the door, I unlock it, faced with four boys standing inside the lounge. Dustin, Mike and Lucas sit around the table while Eddie stands over them, looking at sheets of paper which spread across the table.

"Can I help you?" I shout, drawing the attention towards myself as they look in my direction. Eddie smiles, cheeks forming dimples, walking over to me. The others smile, waving to my presence in the house.

"Baby! I missed you." His arms tangling around my waist, pulling me close to his chest. Out of anger, I push him away, standing my ground at the door. He looks confused, unable to process the action against him.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" I react, adjusting the strap on my shoulder, unhappy with not understanding their disappearance. Turning over to the boys, I notice Mike pulls a face, gaining a hit by Lucas. Something happened.

"It's nothing darling, don't worry about it." Eddie pulls a face, trying to relax my nerves. It doesn't work. My head turns to Dustin, staring his way.

"Dusty. You tell me what happened or I will tell mum and dad that you are failing History, again." Face dropping at my words, his eyes dart around the others, all shaking for nothing to slip out his mouth.

"Eddie got into a fight with someone and we got sent home because we trying stopping him." Dustin bursts, panicking running through his mouth as he unfolds the situation. The slow turn of Eddie causes a squeak to escape his lips, scared for how his life of going to end up.

"Dustin Henderson, you are a dead man." Lucas jokes, watching his friend become filled with terror of what Eddie could do to him. Seeing the tension, I take hold of his hand, pulling him towards me. He notices, allowing me to hold him as he continues to look at Dustin.

"Boys, continue doing whatever you are doing. Me and Eddie will be in my bedroom, so do not disturb." Pulling him, I push him through the living room, towards the hallway and into the bedroom, shutting the door.

"Okay Munson I have not seen you since this morning and now Dusty is telling me you fought someone?!" I say, holding his shoulders as he stands there, towering over me. Smirk plastered over his lips, he lowers his head, moving closer to mine.

"Princess I'm so sorry." Kissing my lips, he pulls away, taking a hand to my cheek and caressing it.
"I told the boys to not tell you since I didn't want you to think I'm always that type of guy who starts fights but this prick deserved it, okay?" Pecking my lips as he speaks, Eddie takes the spare hand and wraps it around my waist, smiling at the sight of me. Getting a closer look, his hair moves enough to show a cut on his forehead, red raw, just as if it had only stopped bleeding. Shaking my head I look into his eyes, processing it all.

"You crazy son of a bitch. I wish you told me, I would of said I helped so I could of at least spent lunch with you!" Hitting his chest, I laugh, feeling better from knowing they are all safe.

"I promise to spend lunch tomorrow with you, even if I get kicked out again." Joining in, we both laugh in each others arms, holding each other close as we stand centre of the bedroom.

"You better."


Hey bros sorry for slow updates family stuff has been going on and I've only got time now

Ly all💪

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