The Gift

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After waking up from a deep sleep, you lift your body out the warmed covers, missing the toasty bedding you were once wrapped around. Rubbing your eyes, you look at the time on your clock. '7:14AM' was glowing from the sudden rising of the sun, finding its entrance to your room through the slight gap in the curtains. The feeling of yesterday hit you, sending a wave of giggles as you remember the time you had with the Hellfire club. It felt weird to say the club's name. Even being introduced and invited to be apart of the group, it confused you of how fast life seems to be going. Walking out the bedroom into the hallway, you pass Dustin sat calmly, devouring the bowl of cereal on the small dining room table.

Taking the opportunity of an empty bathroom, you jump in and lock the door, sorting out towels and brushing your teeth before taking a shower to freshen up for the day.


After a warm shower and a quick hairdo, I was ready for school. Placing jeans and a jumper over, a bag on my shoulder and shoes on my feet, I left the room to be faced with Dustin. Smiling over to him, I lift my keys up to catch his attention from his glare at the television screen.

"Morning sleepyhead.. You ready for school?" I peacefully say, gaining the boys attention from the screen, responding in a mumble as he stands next to me, picking the bag from the floor and placing it on his back. He reapplies his cap, making sure it stays on his head. Heading to the front door, turning the handle then to shuffle to the passenger side of the car. I follow Dustin with the addition of locking the door and sitting in the drivers side.

"You pick the songs today Dusty. I know you have a good taste in music within you." I declare, turning the engine on and placing the car in gear. Turning his head to me, his face light up as he scrambles through the pile of cassettes that line up in a box, searching deep for a certain one.

"You should start driving Y/N, we are going to be late!" Dustin announces, pulling out a cassette from Kiss. Placing it in the slot, I reverse out the drive, heading straight to school.

"I'm surprised you like Kiss! I don't normally play them with you.." I exclaim, tapping my finger on the steering wheel as we pass cars, music echoing through the windows while we sing in harmony.


Cars enter the area, taking spots left, right and centre. Finally parking up, I pat Dustin on the head and wish him good luck with lessons. He leaves the car, and aiming to the front doors of the school building. Taking my precious time touching up the loose powder over my cheeks and checking for any eyeliner mess, I grab my bag and head towards the direction Dustin went, making sure all I needed was already with ne.

"Y/N!" A voice behind me calls, aiming my direction to Nancy standing to the side with two other people, inviting me over to visit her. Stood there was the people from her newspaper group. Since I never got involved with her hobby, most of her friends were completely different. Nancy knew many people within Hawking's, from the nerds to jocks, which compared to my friends such as my brother and his pals felt as if I never really got to know the other side of Nancy everyone was to see.

"We got Science together so we finally have the chance to walk with each other! You guys okay if Y/N tags with us?" Her head turns to the others on her side, both pulling their lips into a smile. The smile wasn't genuine. It's position to their body language instantly told me they didn't really want to walk with someone who only has one friend. Nancy always wanted me to feel included, there was nothing wrong with not wanting your good friend to feel alone during her years of high school . But in reality it ended up making more people feel sorry for me due to the pity to make Nancy happy.

"Don't worry Nancy, I need to grab a book from my locker. I'll see you in there." I reply, sending her a weak smile as I sort the straps on my bag, walking down the corridor to the next corner. I always felt bad to leave Nancy when she tries to include me in social areas.

"Hey Henderson." The voice from the side catches my attention from the conversation I was having with myself, stopping me in my tracks. Turning my head, I become faced with Eddie. His 'Hellfire Club' shirt covered by a baggy jacket. Hair trapped within the layers of clothing, only allowing a couple curls to flow free around his face. He smiles, waving me over to his locker. My feet taking control, I step forward and stand in front of him, his height still overpowering me as I sheepishly stood my ground of the corridor.

"I wanted to give the newest member something as you are now an official Hellfire Club player." Eddie announces, reaching into his locker, digging down to find the item. "Close your eyes and don't peak or I will take back your gift!" Announcing to me, I listen. Shutting my eyes to the world, I tune into Eddie's clumsy mess to safely give me this 'gift'.

"Hurry up Eddie, the lesson are going to start soon!" Trying to rush him, I become anxious to whatever he has install for me.

"Fine, fine. Hold your hands out woman!" Finally the rustling of objects stop. The presence of a person lingers over me, causing me to nervously hold my hands out to Eddie. "Open your eyes." In a demanding tone, I gently open them, catching the sight of the same top as Eddie himself. The official Hellfire Club shirt.

"Oh my Eddie I love it! Thank you!" I report, wrapping my arms around him in a the sign of thanks. "I didn't think so early to joining this group I would be given one but I really like it!" Smiling widely, his hands hold me back, laughing at my sudden touch.

"How could I forget about the newest member when they are you, huh Y/N?" Eddie releases me from the hug, patting my shoulder. "I'm just glad you like it." Before I could speak any further, the first bell rings through the corridors, followed by the mass of students that begin their journey to their classrooms.

"Well I'll see you later Eddie. Thank you again for this!" I smile, holding the shirt close as I wave goodbye, making my way to the science room. Eddie seems so much nicer that I expected him to be..


The Hellfire Club  - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now