The Bedroom

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I'm so sorry in advance
but S M U T W A R N I N G


He smiles, looking me up and down. The room went silent, only the sound of our breathing as we stand still. Eddie kisses my lips, hand travelling from the bottom of my shirt, slowly lifting its way to my back, playing with the strap. The tension builds, his fingers plays with the clips, slowly unclasping the bra as our lips touch.

"Y/N, do you want this?" He asks, pecking my neck as he waits for a response.

"Yes Eddie.. we might have to be quiet, Dustin and the others are here.." I lean my head back, giving him access to more areas. He continues to kiss, slowly taking off my bra. Breathing out as the cold air hits my skin, I tangle my fingers around his hair. Hands reaching up, he moves his way to my chest. He moves out from under my shirt, smiling as he stares at the view. Eddie guides us to the bed, carefully pushing me down, laying my back first on the duvet. I smile, looking up to his body towering over me, reaching for his denim jacket that is hanging by his shoulders. Shuffling it off, he throws it to the side, smiling lightly as he begins to lift his shirt up, scrunching the iconic shirt with the jacket. His tattoos are visible, laid out perfectly as if a final piece of a puzzle was being placed.

"You know baby, this will be my first time.." Nervously rubbing the back of his head, his hand makes its way to my top, lifting under the fabric and reaching up from under.
"Do you mind me taking this off?" He asks, peeking up to my face, making sure to ask every step of the way.

"Yes Eddie, I want you." Nodding to my response, he lifts me up, taking the chance to take the shirt off in one swipe. Eyes look straight on, examining my body. As if buying a meal which looks too good to be true, he leans down and begins kissing my chest, one hand holding himself up while the other cups one breast. The feeling felt strange, not as if the uncomfortable type, building up the feeling of moving away. It felt as if a pleasurable pins and needles, sending butterflies throughout my stomach from his touch. Eddie continues, swirling his tongue around once he stopped kissing one tit. I heavily breathe, unlocking the new sensation as his tongue moves around my body. It felt heavenly. Working my hands to his shoulders, I slowly sliver them down his chest, feeling every definition of him, watching him continue as I look at each tattoo on his chest, pleasure pouring out my lips with each breathe. His eyes connect with me, creasing in the corners as he kisses his way up to my lips, already wet from his movement just seconds before.

"I'm going to move further with this princess. I know I keep asking but I want you the be the most comfortable and pleasured, I don't want you to leave unhappy." Lips colliding, he takes ahold of my bottom lip, biting it enough to let him through, tongues moving against each other, breaking the gap further. Nodding to his words, Eddie works his hands to my hips, passing them to my thighs, taking each and lifting them to his waist. Understanding his logic, I lock them around him, keeping him steady as he reaches to the buttons on my jeans, calmly unbuttoning before ripping down the zip. Taking the sides, he begins to slide them down, making sure they slide enough without hurting my legs.

Watching him allows more butterflies to enter, heart beating faster as if a boxer punching a bag. Once moving down to my calf's, Eddie stands, taking my legs to the front of him, grabbing the last of the jeans off before throwing them with his. I notice his hands shaking as they travel to his belt, unbuckling it from its hold. Lifting my body up, I face him as he stumbles to undo the button. He was acting confident for me, knowing we both haven't done this before. Using my hands, I unbutton his jeans, looking deep into his eyes with passion. The mix of nervousness and excitement built up, laying back down, receiving the front row view to Eddie in his boxers, standing over me as he reaches deep int. I cover my face, burning from his eyes scanning my body, the feeling of turning into a log fire from his incoming touch.

"Fuck baby." Low in his tone, he works his hands up my body, conforming his theory of me. Once reaching my hands, he pulls them down, looking at me with passion in his eyes. Placing a kiss on my lip, I become desperate, craving him. His hand reaches down, taking the opportunity to slide off his boxers, while the other holds my waist closer.
"Okay darling." He breathlessly announces, leaning back to admire the view.
"I'm going to start, okay? Are you ready?" His hand rips open a packet, grabbing it the top with his hand, placing it over his tip, sliding it down to the beginning of his dick. I nod at him, taking a glance to his member, longer than I was expecting.
"Tell me when you need me to stop, I don't want to hurt you." Whispering as he leans closer to my chest, he gradually builds the courage to place the top at my entrance, hovering over it before pushing in slightly. It was already wet from the condom and the gradual working towards this moment. I breathe out, shocked by the feeling. Hands reaching up to his shoulders, I grasp them tight as I adjust to his size, feeling the heat radiating from the both of us.

"You can put more in Eddie.." I say softly, allowing him to move. Listening to my demand, he pushes more in, huffing at the new feeling. He was huge, which for my first time, felt dangerous to the damage. The feeling of him pushing further made my stomach do flips, the pressure he had against my walls curled my toes as I hold back noise.
"Please Eddie, give me it." Choking out, wrapping my arms around his neck as I find comfort faster while he is inside of me. The last push drives me up the wall, earning a slight moan from the unexpected length of his member. Eddie listens, slowly pulling out the build the sensation. Already dripping from his movement, I let out another, trying to be as quiet as I can. His face scrunched up, pleasure rushing around his body, letting out deep breathes as he controls himself.

Once seconds pass, he continues to move, using a spare hand to work its way above my clit, slowly rubbing it as he moves in and out. The added sensation of his finger drove me into circles, causing more heavy breathes and moans to escape my lips. Eddie still towering over me, he holds back grunts, turned on by the sweet sounds which escape my mouth.

"Eddie.." barely audible, I moan his name, pulling on his shoulders and he continues to move in and out of me. Hearing my plea, he starts to speed up his movement, becoming faster with his thrusts inside of me. From his fingers to his member, I started to feel this tight knot within my stomach. We keep going, gradually moaning as we slowly reach closer to our climax.
"I think I'm close baby..." I moan to him, hands working down to his back, leaving marks as I hold him tight.

"I'm close too princess.. let's finish together, huh?" Breath becoming messier, he plants kisses on my lips, gently increasing the speed of his thrust. His member twitching from the satisfaction, feeling my walls tighten as we near the finish line. With more pace as he works his finger against my clit, I feel the knot strengthen, allowing whimpers to leave my mouth. Eddie does the same, groaning at the feeling which travels through his body.

"I'm close Eddie." I whine, gripping him tighter as the knot begins to snap, sending the rush of pleasure throughout my body. I feel the pulsating of his member as he moans out, releasing into the condom. We lay, heavily breathing as we both ride out the wave which crashed into us. Sweat rolls down his chest as he slips out from my entrance.

"You look so hot darling." Chuckling at my position, he leans over, kissing his way up to my lips. I smile, placing my hands through his lock as we start kissing, not moving from the bed.

"LOVE BIRDS! PIZZA IS GOING TO BE HERE IN TEN MINUTES SO GET DRESSED!" Dustin shouts from the other side of the door, causing us to jump out the bed, in a rush from the realisation that Dustin, Mike and Lucas heard me and Eddie making love. Fuck.


I'm am so sorry for this but yes

*throws holy water around*

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