The Visit

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It wasn't like Eddie hated parties, he just hated people. To say he loved the side of life he was currently moving forward in, from hosting sessions of a fantasy game with his good school friends, playing music constantly and performing gigs in his spare time, coming closer to finishing school completely with the new addition of a girl who caught his interest, he felt content. The other half though came into the picture every hour of the day. Eddie understood the hatred towards people who play Dungeons and Dragons, if he wasn't into the game or fascinated by anything that was revolved around being a nerd, he would understand. But he hated the constant name calling of the groups of guys who see him as a monster trying to summon demons into the over-world. From the ones who kick a ball around a field to hitting objects with a bat, they saw Eddie as a reject who is a pain in their asses. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even Y/N, but he always felt misunderstood, trying his best not to get into any more trouble. Taking it all in, letting them say what they want to say. He wasn't scared of them, punching one last year proved a point, he was just worried he would have to stay another year at the school.

Moments past after she asked him, eyes worrying looking into the conflicted pupils of Eddie's. He didn't know what to say, yet he did promise her anything she wanted, he would do. Internally kicking himself for his past comment, Eddie weakly smiles, trying to think of solutions to make it the shortest trip to a party.

"I'll go. But, you must promise that when the time is right, we can leave and I can take you to a cafe for a little date." Uneasy by his own response, the cold metal rings glide down with his hands to hold her shoulders. A small exhale leaves Y/N's lips, followed by a soft chuckle to his words.

"You don't understand how much I hate parties. I'm so glad you said you would, Nancy asked me to go." Smiling, she looks around the corridors, all peaceful with the lack of pupils. Leaning in, she places her soft lips onto Eddie's, leaving enough touch to spark some sort of butterflies. Breaking the kiss, they continue to make eye contact, looking deep into each other's eyes. "Thank you Munson, I can see you didn't want to say yes but I'm glad you did, I get to chat to you all afternoon." Y/N exclaims, smiling up to the boy who caught all of her attention. "I'm picking up Nancy at six to head to Ben's house around six thirty. If you want I can pick you up?" Her smile transforms to a grin, happy to say that she, Y/N Henderson is going to a party. Not just any party! A party with a boy she has feelings towards.

"Tell Nancy I'll pick you both up, saves time." Eddie smirks, pinning down ideas for the events which will take place, knowing well he might just enjoy a massive party. "You just got to direct me to hers once I get to yours." Hands travelling, ending to hers as they begin walking towards the outside, his eyes travelling around every corner, trying their hardest to not get caught.

"Only if you say so.. hopefully her friend Steve will be around if we do decide to leave, I would hit myself if I left Nancy in such position where she is unsafe." The doors wide open from the help of Eddie's spare arm holding it open, letting her take the first steps to sunny courtyard.

"Don't worry darling. Besides, I'll make it the best party you will ever go to." His spare hand on his chest, right above his heart as he speaks. Y/N couldn't wrap her head around him. How someone can attract her like a magnet and make her so intrigued by their every interest and hatred's. She felt safe around him. To say they promised to not rush anything further, she felt guilty in doing such acts to him. Maybe it was because he treated her nice? But she never felt like this to any of Nancy's friends or even Dustin's friends. Y/N didn't want to know, she liked it like that. The feeling of falling for a boy in such secretary felt as if she was in a documentary, ready to be uncovered by journalists and police.

"Sweetie? You blanked out there?" Eddie asks, turning to her as they come to a stop in front of the benches, all lined up and ending in front of the field that's filled with the group of football players, practicing their skills in a circle. She smiles, taking control of his hand, she leads him to the nearest seats, butterflies compact within her stomach.

"Munson is worried about me?" Teasing him, she sticks her tongue out, gaining as gasp from the boy shoulders apart from her. Turning his body to face hers, he leans in, creating a small gap between her face and his.

"Henderson, you should know something about me. I care very dearly for a girl who looks something like you." Whispering into Y/N's ear, his soft spoken words send shivers down her back. Eddie calmly laughs, leaning away to see the picture of her face, swirls of red and splatters of rosey pinks.

Eddie made a mental note to look at her face more often, looking at every detail and texture that added to her beauty.


Hey bros I will hopefully have this updated soon!! I'm going to see a concert in two days so I will try to update asap

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