The Party

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Days pass and school continues to pass by. Monday to Wednesday leave with the addition of homework passed around left, right and centre. Thursday takes up everyone's time with revision to late night studies. Friday lands on the calendar, marked in red for the upcoming party Nancy invited me to join. After explaining small details from the week before, She was in shock to hear nice words about the 'Freak' Eddie everyone sees him as.

"You excited for tonight Y/N?" Nancy exclaims, arm linked with mine as we walk down the stuffed corridor, holding onto each other for the idea of a crowd breaking us up from our conversation. Her face was glowing, excited for the plans on dancing at her friends house.

"I guess? I'm going to pick you up around six since you need someone to drive you home once you get drunk." I tell her, looking around as we pass corridors, checking out for a certain face. It wasn't as if I didn't like drinking. Mostly because I would rather keep Nancy safe whenever I get the chance.

"Well only if you are sure.. and remember it's a party. Maybe this is the chance you can invite Eddie? Or even try talking to new people?" She questions, concerned for my lack of friends within our school year.

"I'm not sure he's a party person.. but I might ask him later on." I try changing the subject as we travel to her locker. Awkwardly standing to the side as she sorts through her books and papers, I look around the hallway, noticing most people have already left for lunch time, with only the odd one or two people left wandering the halls to a spot in the canteen.

"I bet you Y/N Henderson he is. Have you seen him at lunch times?" Nancy turns around, facing me as she places the books needed in her bag and closing her locker, indicating she was ready to head to the table.

"I know, I know. But I barely get the chance to talk to him. I went on a date and just like that, not a single word." Shaking my head, I smile at Nancy, trying to ignore what happened after the date, but who couldn't?

The date happened and within a blink of an eye, zero talk from Eddie Munson. As if he forgot about the entire date or kiss. Not to admit it out loud, but I felt upset I never got the chance to talk to him due to the way groups treat him. The outcast and the quiet friend of Nancy Wheeler.

"Who knows? Maybe he will talk to you after school?" Nancy smiles, grabbing my arm and leading us to the canteen, packed as if a crate of canned drinks, waiting to be placed in a fridge. She stops, looking around the hall until spotting the area she was looking for. "Oh my Y/N, I got an idea.." Grinning, she looks into my eyes with a face only known for having an idea which could end up in problems. Dodging every table compact with people enjoying their lunches, we move across the canteen hall, making our way to the table of 'The Hellfire Club'. Biting my lip, I knew exactly what Nancy was planning, grabbing my forearm as she pushes us down to sit with the 'Hellfire Club'.

"What do we owe the pleasure ladies.." Eddie, not paying attention, turns to face the two extra bodies that sat on their table. His face drops, in shock by the faces of both Nancy Wheeler, someone high up in popularity, and myself.

"Y/N? Why are you sat here?" Dustin asks, face confused at the view of his own sister sitting at the table. "I thought you and Nancy sat over in the corner, not here?" He continues, placing his sandwich which was in the middle of being enjoyed.

"Me and Y/N felt we needed some company since our table is normally quiet, I hope you don't mind." Nancy chimes in, taking out her book as she smiles at her plan, knowing it would be fine if we sat with them.

"That's fine, just didn't expect you to sit here Nancy." Mike says, still puzzled by his sister, well known for her well looked after personality with zero interest in Dungeons and Dragons, sat on the table known for being massive nerds.

"I'm just going to the bathroom." I smile at Nancy, standing up as I glace at the table in front of me, only Eddie's eyes following my moves. Placing my bag around my shoulder, I begin walking to the nearest canteen doors, taking my time and making room for anyone that would face my path. The voices of Dustin and the others dimmed as I travelled to the double doors, pushing them open. Taking a right, I begin the walk towards the outside, checking each door I pass in my journey, trying to spot any person or creature that could come into my sight.

"Y/N." A hand grabs my wrist, causing a small squeak in fear to escape from the unexpected touch. My eyes are faced with Eddie, face like a sad puppy. His arms reach around my body, wrapping me into a tight squeeze. Not resisting the opportunity, I follow his actions and hug him back, taking in hints of his musky aftershave that was mixed with scent of his cologne.

"Darling please forgive me. I've had zero chance to talk to you and I have only just got the time to be faced with your beauty." Letting go just barely, he looks down to me, using a hand to hold my jaw up to look deep into his eyes. "I promise I won't let you down Princess, you got a Munson promise." Leaning in, he places his soft lips on my forehead, shaking butterflies into the stomach from the unexpected affection.

"Eddie, it's okay if you were busy, I understand that..." Face red like a bush of roses, I try keeping eye contact with him, flustered from the names he has given me.

"No Henderson. It's not okay. Do you know how much I was wanting to kick off to Mr Patterson for giving me extra work to do? I know we got assignments coming close but I got a girl I need to give attention to!" Eddie's hands leave my sides, m working their way up to my face, placing the cold metal onto the burning cheeks of mine. "I will make up for this Darling. Tell me, what do you want me to do to make you happy?" Eddie smiles, eyes hooked onto mine like a fish with a worm.

Seconds pass in the attempt in coming up with ideas. What could he do..? Party.


"Yes Princess?"

"Will you come to a party with me?"


Hey bros thank you for nearly 500 reads it really is appreciated.

I'll hopefully have a chapter by Thursday.


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