The Dessert

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The time went by fast. Rolling from Tuesday to Friday, the days felt as if a rush to catch a bus, increasing as the feeling of bliss felt like it was never going to stop. Eddie was to my side. From being my personal taxi for the excuse of picking me up in the morning to late night star gazing, walking me to lesson before crowds began to form or allowing me to wear his jacket when I felt too chilly. It felt nice to see this side of him, seeing him care about my every needs. The chase of excitement of having Eddie felt nice, a different change of scenery from the year previous.

As soon as the bell rang, people darted out the classroom, indicating lunch was next. The smell from the canteen already travelled to the room, craving everyone to have a piece. Grabbing my bag, I follow, only to be stopped by Eddie. He stands, hands in pockets as he stands patiently by a locker. Smiling as his eyes meet mine, I walk closer.

"How was English darling?" He questions, brushing the stray hair out my face, mouth um breaking of its grin.

"It was nice, how was Science?" Copying his actions, I push the curls into their place, seeing his eyes more clearer in the corridors dimmed lighting.

"Don't you dare. Gareth and Jeff were making fun
of me for not doing the homework. Which has brought up a question for you." Leaning back into the locker, he digs deep into his pocket, patting it down for an item inside.
"How about we sit outside and do some revision? I want to graduate this year and I know my girl has the grades of a goddess." Smirking at his way of flattering me, I look around the hallway, seeing the non-existent of people.

"Well.. I think I deserve a ice cream later, Physics will make us both cry."

"Sounds like a date." Taking the chance, his arm works itself around my shoulders, pulling me into his embrace as he walks towards the doors leading outside.


The school day finished, allowing myself and Eddie to drive around the town until his favorite restaurant opened, allowing him to pay his bargain for revision. Parked up outside the shops entrance, I look out to the trucks and cars which drive past. Sitting alone in his van, it started to feel empty without his chaotic energy which poured out to certain cassettes he would play, even if he would sing over the top of the music. Turning to the opposite window, I witness Eddie grinning, exiting the building with two cones in his hand, both packed to the top with ice cream.

"Baby can you open the door for me?" Following his instructions, I lean over, grabbing the handle and pushing it open for him to enter.
"The best for the best." Taking hold of the cone he held out, he digs into the frozen treat, face brightening up as of a kid offered a lolly after a dentist visit.

"Thank you do much Munson." Catching him off guard, I place a kiss onto his cheek, watching the red flow throughout his face. Unable to speak from the mouthful, he lets it slide, stopping himself from any spillage. The ice cream was nice, but the idea of Eddie was more appealing. Whilst licking, I turn my head to him, seeing the cheerful feel radiating off of him. Eddie seemed to grow more comfortable around me, not the act of a dungeon master in sight.

"We should come here another time, it's a lot better than the others I've had." Smiling over to me, the rush of butterflies stuff my stomach. The feeling was intoxicating, drawing me in as the sound of music plays silently in the background.

"Eddie." Voice cracking as I try and gain the confidence.

"Yes my love?" From a smile to a confused look, his head turns, trying to understand the change of the conversation.

"You don't have anything to do tonight, right?" Smiling as I lock eyes with him, the rush of nerves run through me.

"Friday is my off day darling, now tell me what's on your mind?" Leaning closer, his eyes lock with mine. Heart beating faster, the tension builds inside the van.

"Well Dustin is staying at Mikes to watch this show and my mum is having a party with the girls so.. so you mind staying over at mine?" Building up reasons to the question layers my face with red, embarrassed to ask Eddie.

"My love, you don't even have to ask me twice. The only issue is I need to grab clothes from mine, maybe I could leave them there when we have sleepovers." Winking as he speaks, I laugh, relaxed to know the house won't feel so isolating, boosting my mood.
"We can head to mine to grab some bits so you can actually see the humble abode." Kissing my cheek, his hands place to my cheek, admiring my face.
"God you're beautiful." Putting his seatbelt on, he starts up the van, adjusting the gears and placing a new cassette to its holder. Smiling throughout, I wiggle myself into the seat, preparing for the ride. Eddie was different. The type of boyfriend who would pick up the odd weed around a field thinking it was a flower and placing it into your hair with intention to make you smile. Holding your hand and pulling you out the crowds at school to giving you the sweets you love, knowing he loves them too. He was exactly what I hoped for, as if a lucky dip prize which turned out to be the best choice. Driving off, his hands takes it spot on my thigh, tapping his fingers to the beat of the song. I hum along, placing my hand on top of his, feeling the rings surface. I wouldn't of asked for anything better on a Friday.


Hey hey
Hope you all are enjoying the story so far
Got more ideas for chapter so 💪

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