The Dance

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Eddie's van pulls into the driveway, taking centre place as it waits patiently, headlights lighting the building in front. Sitting comfortably and tapping his fingers to the song playing on the cassette, Eddie stares into the windows, checking to see any figure within. He was nervous. Who wouldn't be? To be invited to a party full of humans who despise the 'Freak' known as Eddie Munson would make anyone want to turn away and stay at home. Not backing out, he turned up ten minutes early, making sure he was not behind schedule to the party he barely wanted to attend. The front door opens, the body of Dustin appears, walking up to the vans passengers door.

"She said she will be out in a second. I swear if anything happens to my sister Eddie I won't be pleased at all." His voice serious, genuinely concerned to his sisters well-being.

"Don't worry Henderson, I will keep my eyes on her at all times. See you tomorrow." Eddie smiles, waving to Dustin, suggesting for him to go back inside, allowing him space to prepare for her to appear. Nodding, Dustin follows the path he came from, opening the door. Instead of walking in himself, Y/N appears, dressed for the occasion. To be fair to her, she didn't know what was suitable. Y/N was invited to parties years back, ones where the party consisted mainly kids who had clothes picked by their parents. She never really got to know the outfit choice for a party at their age, Nancy never gave a brief to her.

She pats her brothers head, walking down the path to land herself in front of the van door. Pulling it open, she sits inside, facing Eddie as she waits for his reaction. Even though she was wearing denim jeans and a jacket over a band shirt, he didn't know what to say. She looked beautiful. Knowing that Dustin still stood waiting for them to drive off, he kept the thought within his head, eyes only looking at her as she sits within his van.

"Ready to go?" Smiling as he places the vehicle into gear, Eddie breaks eye contact, ready for drive off to pick up Nancy.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


Driving up to the side of the house, the sound of music blasting through the windows travels down the silent road as people wonder throughout the building. Stopping the van, Nancy jumps out and tells us she will see us inside, leaving me and Eddie to share some peaceful moments before entering the already packed party. The house was vibrating from the amount of people within, some having to stand inside the garden to make room for more. Luckily, Nancy's friend lived far from town, only with the odd house on the same road as their own. Pulling the handbrake up and switching off the engine, Eddie sits in silence, taking in the view of the full house. Body language showing discomfort, I knew he wasn't ready to enter the house just yet.

"Eddie?" My voice vibrates throughout the silent van, only the sound of our breathing and faint sound of the song from within the house. His body didn't move one bit, causing concern to flow throughout my body. Leaning over, I tap his shoulder slowly, gaining the face of Eddie to look my way, eyes not leaving my sight.

"Yes sweetheart? What's the matter?" Barely whispering, he smiles at me, eyes looking me up and down in the barely lit up van. The nickname sent tingles down my spine, creating a wave of pinks to cover my face like paint on a canvas.

"You ready to head inside?" I ask, gulping as we both look deep into each others eyes, preparing to face the mass of bodies who wouldn't expect either of us to show. Nodding his head, he places a hand to my cheek, caressing it as he looks around for anyone who would catch his actions. Placing a soft kiss on my lips, he takes the opportunity to spend the time to enjoy the sensation. His lips were like pillows, plump and soft for when placing you head down for the night. Taking his other hand, he wraps them around my back, holding me in this moment, easing both the nerves and fear we both were sharing for this party. Not wanting to end the moment, Eddie leans back, examining the painting he created.

"We better my love."


The mass of people took no notice to them, too drunk to remember our faces or busy smudging makeup of each others faces as they kiss their way into the night. Eddie wrapped his arms around her waist as we swayed in the corner of the room, enjoying the songs that were playing throughout the house. Nancy was close by, drinking with her friends as she laughed, arms around her close schoolmates, taking sips of the cups they held in their hand. It didn't feel real. His eyes were always on Y/N. keeping her in his view every time he moved. To be dancing with each other inside a party they both despised into going felt like a dream, an amazing idea of daydreaming during a history lesson.

"Y/N?" Eddie calls, placing his hands on her sides as he holds her body close. The hints of his aftershave travel, sending Y/N into frenzy of his smell. He was making her feel as if on cloud nine, high on the feeling of his touch. Nodding, her eyes look up to him as he smiles down, locking eyes once again. "I was feeling a bit hungry. How about we ditch this party and head to a diner and spend some alone time?" Voice raspy, he leans down, head reaching her shoulders as he breathes slowly down her body, waiting for a response.

"Yes." Not thinking, Y/N grab his hand, rushing out the rooms we came from, as if dancing their way to alone time. His cold metal rings brush against her skin, travelling shivers down her skin as they leave the house. The music continues to play, blasting out into the open as we make their way to his van. Eddie gets to the door first, opening the side handle, directing her to enter through the back. Hand held out for Y/N's acceptance, she takes hold, stepping foot through before being dragged into the darkness of the back of the van. Eddie kneels in front of her from the barely visible light from the outside, eyes hungry as if a dog to a bone.

"Baby you don't understand how much you drive me crazy the way you look at me, I can't control it." Words leave his mouth in desperation, craving something more than food at a diner. He kisses her lips, warm from being within the crowded party. She doesn't back out, working her way to sit in front of him, feeling his warmth as she moves closer. Working his hands around to find her sides once again, he lifts her up, placing her on top of his crossed legs, keeping her secure in his presence.

"Eddie." She calls out between a break in the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, becoming comfortable in his arms. Her words made him move his lips down, travelling down her neck.

"Be mine Y/N."


Lol left it on a cliffhanger hope you enjoy bros


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