The Pizza

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The sky settled, only the moon glancing through the kitchens mesh-like curtains, leaving its print on the counter and sink. Once the movie finished, I began work on dinner for me and Eddie, placing frozen pizza into the oven from the unawareness to the time, settling with the pepperoni pizza which Dustin persuaded Mum to purchase for his late night D&D sessions. Eddie seeking the opportunity after placing the VHS back into its container, he wraps his arms around my waist, keeping me in his sight as I try grabbing the plate for the pizza. His embrace keeping me warm followed with his head on my shoulder, watching my struggle in getting a plate.

"Edward Munson, will you allow me to grab a plate for our tea?" Turning my head the furthest it would twist, I plead with my eyes, connecting with his as he holds me close, coming up with an answer for my question.

"But baby, you are so comfortable.." Taking the chance, he kisses my cheek, burning with the warmth of his lips.

"Well the chef is very busy in her service! If you grab some drinks from the outside fridge I'll think about giving you something in return." Winking at him, Eddie unravels from my waist in seconds, looking into my eyes with a serious look.

"Y/N Henderson. I hope you're not lying about that return. I'll be right back." Speeding out the kitchen and rushing to the back door, he unlocks it, pushing it open for a clear passage to his mission. Laughing at his actions, I take the chance to collect the larger plate, placing it onto the counter ready for the hot delivery from the oven. Turning to the left, I notice the sizzling and bubbles of cheese forming around the meat, indicating the pizza was ready to grab. Lifting down the ovens handle, the red hot cheese crackles through the silence of the room, accepting me to take a glove and shuffle it on top of the plate. Smiling at the achievement of un-damaged pizza, the footsteps increase, stopping at the back door with Eddie grinning with two bottles in his hands. His face was flushed as if berries, pinks popping up in different patches as he catches his breath, slowly directing back to the kitchen.

"I dont think I'm ever running again."


Taking the last bite of the pizza, Eddie turns his head, eyes never breaking sight of me. The pizza was nice to say it had been stuck in the freezer for a while, which the addition of Eddie playing whatever show that was on the television so we could dig in added the touch that was needed. Pulling a confused look, I place the crust down onto the plate, working out his expression.

"Was the pizza not good?" Concerned, I ask him, shuffling towards his side of the couch, reaching close enough to push hair out of his face to receive a clearer picture. His eyes were looking deeply into mine, never breaking the bond as my hand softly holds his face.
"Eddie.. What's the matter?" Without a second to process, he leans in, kissing my lips as if in desperation for them. Responding back, I move my hands around his neck, moving our bodies closer, clashing together as if two puzzle pieces. His hand drops to my hips, pushing under the shirt and slowly working their way to my chest, cupping them under the fabric.

"I really want you Henderson, I want to know you want it as well." The serious look never leaving his face, I nod, placing kisses over his cheeks.

"I want you too Munson." Our lips collide, hooking with each other, driving me into a state of pleasure. The cold touch of his rings glide across my skin as he unclasps my bra, taking their precious time with each hook, slipping it off slowly as he continues to take it from under my shirt, tossing it towards the side of the room, hands working their way back to the warmth of my chest. Cupping one with each hand, it sends vibrations down my spine as I softly moan from the frozen touch of his fingers. Hearing my call, his lips find a trail down to my neck, kissing every corner he could find, leaving hickeys on my skin which was now painted in magenta and reds. 

Working my hands down to his shirts hem, I look up into Eddie's eyes, waiting for a response as I trail my fingers under, feeling the warmth of his body. Nodding, he leans back, giving space for me to take off his shirt and revealing his chest, tattoos catching my eyes as I admire him. Placing my hand on his shoulders, I shuffle closer, feeling the bump from inside his trousers had grown. Placing more kisses onto his lips in desperation, I gradually position my hand over his crotch, looking up to him with his head held back, groaning by my action.

"Princess don't tease me like this, you don't understand how badly I want you." I continue to work my hand backwards and forwards, creating enough movement for him to heavily breathe. The pleasure washed over his face was enough to drive me into the same state, watching as small groans leave his mouth. Lifting my hand up, I work my way off Eddie's lap, taking both my hands to my jeans as I unzip them from around my waist, slowly pushing them off, taking time as I move them down my thighs. He sits up, in awe from the view, becoming more aroused from the ideas in his head. Once reaching my ankles, I place them to the side, running my hands up to my shirt, pulling the fabric from around my head to the pile building to the side. Eddie smirks, the bulge building higher as he stares in awe.

"It's your turn now handsome." Leaning down to his level, I whisper, teasing him with a kiss. His arms push him from the couch, taking a stand in front of me, looking me up in down before reaching for his belt. My hands follow his, pushing the metal from its lock, Eddie's hands placed over mine as I help him pull it from around his waist. I take hold of it has he unbuttons his trousers, pushing them down, leavings us in only undergarments. I was hungry for him. 

"You look so god damn gorgeous darling." Lips crashing together, arms wrapping around each other's torsos in such frenzy, bodies falling into the couch in an impetuous act of desire. It felt new, even though it had happened before. Never leaving each others sight as we begin to move in the same rhythm, keeping close to preserve the warmth.


Sorry dudes for lack of update recently
I should have more out in the coming week 💪

Hope you are all enjoying

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