The Corridor

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The weekend went by in a flash, making time slow as Saturday and Sunday passed. Only memories of Friday night were in my mind. The feeling of him holding me close and whispering sweet words, his lips, trailing down my neck as we kiss in the dark, keeping close in order to stop the cold chills of the night.

I turn my head as we stop at the traffic lights, looking around the land which we stopped at. Dustin sits in the passenger seat, tapping his hand to the song playing on the radio, looking around at the houses which sit in position, aligned up in a row. The lights turn green, allowing us to continue our adventure to school.

"The next Hellfire is tomorrow Y/N, before you forget." Dustin states, head facing me as I drive in silence. I nod, eyes only paying attention to the passing cars heading our way as I turn the indicator on. Mentally noting that down, I pull forward once a path was cleared and headed down the road, coming closer to the school.

"I won't forget. Remember mum is out tonight so I don't mind if you go over to Mike or Lucas's." Driving down the lane, we are faced with the car park for the school. Dustin didn't mind the early arrival in the morning, understanding my fear of not grabbing a good spot with the addition of walking so far at the end of the day. Pulling in, I park to the second closest row of lines, lining up correctly within the parking spot. Dustin applauds at my achievements, in which I take my chance to bow in the drivers seat, pretending to take hold of an award. I wipe away imaginary tears, waving around as he cheers my acceptance. After our show, we both begin laughing, amusing each other before the unwanted walk into the school.

"I put some money in your bag if you decide to go to the boys, just tell me before we leave later." I say, taking my hand up to Dustin's hair, messing around with his curls before he placed the well known hat over his head, prepared to leave the car. I follow, turning off the engine and pulling the handbrake up. Turning to face the back seats, I grab my small bag, making sure nothing is missing as I open the drivers door. Dustin and me both leave the car, closing the doors as we adjust our clothes from the long sit in the car. Placing the key into the side, I twist it enough to hear the click, before throwing them into the side of my pocket.

"I'll see you later, bye Y/N!" He shouts over, waving goodbye as he makes his own way to the side doors, walking amongst the rare bunch of people who attend early. Hand waving back, I make my way to the front doors. It was refreshing in the morning. The early gust of wind hitting your face as you walk wakes anyone up in Hawking's. Being so early for school meant i could arrive to the first lesson with ease, not scared of being pushed to the side by a guy who kicks a ball around some grass. Eyes darting around each room, I land myself face first into a well known shirt.

"Good morning my love." The voice sends shivers throughout my skin, heart skipping a beat. I slowly look up, faced with a cleanly shaven Eddie, hair curled perfectly as it lays carefully over his broad shoulders, not enough to hide the change in pattern of his jacket. His eyes sparkle as he looks at me, admiring every aspect of me before smiling. That smile. The contagious smile which could make anyone feel uneasy, and this uneasy wasn't even fear. I smile back, seeing him dressed in the usual attire.
"You know I'm surprised to see someone this gorgeous at school 30 minutes before lessons begin." The soft whisper of his voice tempts me, drawing me in like a mouse to a slice of cheese. His hands wrap around my waist, holding me as we stand in the centre of the corridor.

"You missed me already?" I respond, laughing at the idea of Eddie Munson, my boyfriend, being at school early. Shaking his head, he leans in, grinning at my comment.

"You know it baby." Grinning as he speaks, he begins to lean in, closing the space between us.

"Morning Y/N, Eddie." The voice of Nancy stops us, untangling each other from the hold before facing her. She laughs, holding her hand up to her mouth as she looks us up and down.
"Calm down love birds, I'm only here to grab my lab partner for our lesson, I hope you don't mind Munson." Smiling with every word, she moves closer, linking our arms into a lock.

"I'll see you at lunch Eddie." I say smiling up to him, watching him slowly turn into a sad puppy. Nancy laughs at this, watching him slowly back away.

"Will do princess." Bowing as he walks away, I blow him a kiss, gaining a small smile on his lips. Nancy starts walking, causing myself to follow along.

"Seems like you and Munson are getting along well.. I can't wait to hear about it." She squeals, excited for the news. Shaking my head. I turn back, noticing he already walked away, leaving only the mass of people to enter the doors and occupy the hallway. Today is going to be a long day.


lol I'm gonna try post another one
hope you all are enjoying this

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