The Arguement

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Sorry for lack of updates I've been at work 24/7


After seconds of catching our breath, we face the closest cafe which was open. Opening the door, the only eyes on us was the plastic decorations placed in every corner of the room. From spiders to random eyeballs submerged in a jar, they follow us as we take a seat, furthest from the windows. Eddie's nose was a mess. Blood smothered around his nostril, finally taking a break of bleeding after pouring down onto his shirt. Streaks in his hair clumped with clots of the red plasma from running, catching itself within the mess on his face. Despite the painful cuts and bruises which had taken form over his face, Eddie kept a smile on his lips, looking down at the menu.

"Can I help you two?" The lady who was once at the counter announces, breaking the silence of the table. I look up, noticing the costume of a witch.

"Can we get two of the stack pancakes, a black coffee and a milkshake." He responds, looking up from the sheet of paper, watching the woman scribble down his words before walking to behind the counter. Reaching his bloody hands over the table, they slowly work their way around mine, caressing my knuckles with his thumbs. The outside was packed with teens and kids, dressed with their bags swinging by their sides, moving left and right, checking if their friend group was catching up. Smiles plastered over their faces with eyes lighting up to the announcement to the sugary treat they received. Though being too old to enjoy such fun, it would of been better tagging along with Dustin than watching my partner being beaten up in front of me. A wave of guilt sunk deep, hitting the anchor which was weighing the excitement of the party.

"Henderson, you look like a ghost." Eddie says, eyes on me as he looks me up and down, figuring out my sudden mix of emotions.
"Is everything okay?" Shaking my head, I smile, seeing his facial expression never changing.

"It's nothing Munson." I spit out, squeezing his fingers, in fear to reassure him.

"I may be a quote on quote 'freak' but I know when my girlfriend looks as if something is bothering her. Spill." Voice turned serious, his eyes never breaking contact.

"It's nothing Eddie. Just drop it." The words become sour, defensive in their actions and attacking his concern. Eddie looks slightly shocked, taken back by my comment, just in time for the woman to deliver the food and drink.

"Enjoy love birds." Her monotone voice travels, unsurprising from her lack of performance for the job, moving back to the till to continue her magazine, hidden enough so she wouldn't be caught. Letting go of my hands, he moves the plate of pancakes towards him, face written with the words 'hurt'. The silence burned. Only the sound of worn down cutlery scraping against the old plates, working their way to pick a slice of the food.

"You know Y/N, I only asked since I care about you." Words rolling of his tongue, eyes glancing up my way. He sighs, dropping his cutlery onto the plate, head up and looking in my direction.
"I didn't mean to snap at you. My eye is stinging and I feel as if my lip is doubled in it's size which trying to understand your mood change doesn't help me sort things out." My eyes latch onto his gaze, hooked like a fish in desire.

"It's a stupid reason and it doesn't matter right now."

"Oh but it does. If it wasn't a stupid reason you wouldn't be so upset by it, would you?" Eddie's tone lowers, pulling a face as his hands slowly position themselves in front of his mouth.
"Now would you explain to your boyfriend what the matter is." Twirling the fork on the table as time ticks, waiting for a response.

"I'm the reason you got in a fight today." Biting my lip as I watch, picking up Eddie's expression from the cause of concern to a small outburst of laughter, vibrating through the silent cafe.

"Did you really just say that Henderson?" Nodding to the question, he composes himself, looking around the building before leaning in.
"Y/N, I'll be completely honest with you. I'm the reason I got in a fight with that asshole. It just so happens that Jason was around the corner talking shit about Hellfire and thought he could get away with it. If it wasn't for you hitting back I would be on that floor unconscious." Reaching to the second plate, he pushes it towards my side, eyes following like a cat to a mouse.
"Now eat the pancakes I got you and stop feeling guilty for my own fight, okay? I hate seeing you feel sorry because I punched Hawking's number one dickhead." Lips curving to a smile, he pushes the cutlery to the side, waiting for a interest in the plate of food.

"I mean, it was nice to say I've been in a fight with Jason. I can check it off my list." Eddie laughs, reaching back to his fork, breaking a side of the pancakes, picking it up before guiding it over the table.

"Open wide Darling before I drop this everywhere."


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