Chapter 2

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Tonight I decided to go back to the beach again, because last night I dreamed of you Jimin. Do you miss me too?

You used to always enjoy playing here. Play in the sand, see the beautiful night sky, and hear the waves. I miss it too, but i miss you more.

I walked along this beach, barefoot like you usually do, this time I brought an umbrella, so you don't have to worry about me Jimin. I'm not going to get rained on this time.

Suddenly a rumbling sound was heard, I immediately opened my umbrella and decided to return to the villa.

It was raining very hard, luckily Jimin always reminded me to bring an umbrella when the sky was cloudy.

On the way, I saw someone sitting in the pouring rain, his face looking up at the sky with his eyes closed. Reminds me of Jimin.

I walked over to him and covered his face from the pouring rain with my umbrella, I looked at him and suddenly he opened his eyes slowly. Looking at me coldly.

"Do you like rain?"

He just kept quiet and looked back at the ocean.

I ventured to get acquainted with him, maybe he needed a friend. I stretched out my hand towards him.


He turned to me but looked back at the ocean without a word. So I lowered my hand and looked where his eyes were looking.

"What do you see?"

But he just left me. His attitude reminds me of you Jimin. Very cold.
He makes me miss you even more.

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