Chapter 18

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It was still raining very hard outside, after kissing and hearing him say that we didn't say anything, there was only silence, but he didn't take his hand off mine.

I tried to start a conversation, I sat facing him and started staring at him.

"Jungkook" He turned to me.

"Wouldn't something like this hurt each other in the future?"

"I think we've felt the most painful thing right now, so why be afraid to feel another pain?"

"But haven't we lost a part of ourselves? We need someone else to fill, not to feel another pain"

"Then don't hurt each other, Jin"

"Will Tae and Jimin be happy with our decision?"

"I don't know, I just want to do it with you Jin, I also don't know why you, I don't think anyone else will make me feel the same way when I'm with Jimin, and strangely enough you make me feel that again"

"I also thought like that, our meeting was very short, we even met at strange times, we don't know each other, we only know that we lost the most important part about love, it hurts"

He kissed my hand and smiled

"From now on, will you spend every day with me?"

I blushed so much, Tae what should I answer? is it true that when it ends in pain it won't hurt as much as losing you? will I be stronger than yesterday?

But I think I have to give it a try, I never know what's going on in front of me, but what I do know is that I don't want to lose a second time.

I brought my face closer to his.

"Yes, I want to"

I kissed his lips and he kissed me back, instantly I put my hand on his neck, bringing him closer to me.

After a while of kissing I took him off and put my forehead on his forehead to breathe.Finally the rain stopped, I think there is a reason why it was raining so hard earlier and maybe this is the reason. Jungkook and I can talk a lot about us later.

"Let's go home" Jungkook looked at me and smiled.

I just nodded, for some reason that night I felt happy for the first time after 2 years of losing Tae.Tae, finally I can be happy again..


When I arrived in front of her apartment, I looked at my watch, it was already 2 AM. He unbuckled his seatbelt and looked at me.

"Come in first, your clothes are wet right? You can change and then go home"

Because it was raining my clothes were wet, but actually it's okay to come home wet, I can take a shower later, but I can't refuse it.

I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt, heading out with him to his apartment.

When I got to his room he asked me to come in, I went in and he closed the door behind me.

"You can take a shower first" He said to me as he opened the door to his bedroom.

I took a shower and changed clothes, when I came out of the bathroom, I looked at his bed, I saw my clothes there, did he sleep with my clothes on? 

The thought made me smile to myself.

I came out of the room and saw him standing on the balcony, so I walked over to him.

"You can take a shower"


He turned and went to his room.

I stood on the balcony looking at the scene in front of me, Jimin why can't I stop missing you? Isn't 3 years a long time? I should have gotten used to living without you.

Jimin, is it okay if I do this to him? I understand he won't be able to love me, and maybe I won't be able to love him either. If there is still love in my heart, maybe I can give it a little, but sadly I give it all to you Jimin.

After a long time of daydreaming, thinking about many things in my head, Jin came over to me and brought 2 cans of beer, he gave one to me.

"What are you thinking?"

"I don't know, I was thinking about a lot of things"

"You can tell me anything"

We spend time on the balcony, I look at my watch and can't believe it's already 4 AM.

"Jin are you not sleepy? I can go home now"

"It's still too early, are you working today? You can sleep and go to work from here"

"No, I can work from home, are you asking me to stay over?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind."

"Okay, let's go to sleep"

When I turned around and was about to go inside, Jin grabbed my hand, making me face him. He came to me, his face was very close to mine, his face was very beautiful.

"Jungkook, I want to be like this a little longer"

"Like what?"

He closed his eyes, I just smiled at him, I went over to his face and kissed his lips, instantly his arms wrapped around my neck and my hands wrapped around his small waist.I pulled his body closer to me, he opened his mouth and let my tongue go inside.

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