Chapter 11

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After arriving at the apartment, I immediately called Hoseok.

"Hey Jungkook, what's wrong?"

"I met him again"

"Him? Who?"


"What? Where? How come?"

"At his boyfriend's grave, today I came to Jimin's grave, while passing by his boyfriend's grave I saw today was his birthday so I gave flowers as a gift, when I came back from the bathroom, I saw it was pouring rain outside and I saw him sitting in front his boyfriend's grave"

"Did you approach him?"


"Did I say, you two are meant to be together, come on Jungkook, I know your brain is thinking the same thing, you just reject it. Do you think Jimin will be happy to see you like this? Three years, alone. I know you love him very much, you feel guilty too because he's gone, but he's gone Jungkook, you can't turn back time, it's as if he can hug you again"

"But I can't"


"I just don't want the same thing to happen again, I don't want to lose it again"

"Then take care of him as best you can, never leave him"

"No, I can't, I'm not ready to forget Jimin"

"I'm not telling you to forget Jimin, I just want you to move on with your life, Jungkook. That's all I want, and I'm sure Jimin wants that too"

"How can I love someone else when there's no love left?"

"Because you always feel the love you give is only for Jimin, you don't realize that love is bigger than that Jungkook, you can even love other people bigger than your love for Jimin. Love will never run out just because you already love someone"


I returned to the apartment, rushed to take a shower because my body was soaking wet. After showering I lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling. After two weeks, I thought I would never see him again, I didn't even think about it.

But today, I met him again, right in front of Tae's grave. Tae what are you doing? Is what Yoongi said true? Did you send it for me? Should I believe this?

Suddenly my phone rang, breaking my thoughts, it was from Yoongi.

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