Chapter 27

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I stopped in the hospital garden, I sat and cried, my hands on my chest. They kissed? aren't they just friends? What are they doing?

It's my fault, there's no reason for me to be angry with him, I did something more painful than this. But what does that kiss mean?

I lowered my head and covered my face with both hands and suddenly someone touched my shoulder.

I saw the person he was sitting next to me, his hand rubbing my back.

"Jin, I'm sorry"


"He didn't really kiss me Jin, he just wanted to make you hate him"

"What? But why?"

"He's explained everything to me, I don't need to know the reason behind it all, I'm just here to tell you about that kiss, Jin do you love him?"

"Yes, I really love him"

"Then approach him, he really needs you Jin, I know that"

"But he-"

"Yes, he's angry, but who doesn't get angry when he sees the person we love having sex with another man? I'm sure you do too, but that doesn't mean he doesn't need you Jin, it's time for you to take care of him right? I have to go"

"Thank you Hoseok, thank you" I hugged him tightly and immediately returned to Jungkook's room.

When I walked into his room he was lying there with his red eyes, he was crying, staring out the window and turning to me as I approached him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Jungkook, I already know about that kiss"


"I can't hate you Jungkook, I don't have enough reason to hate you"

I sat beside his bed, he didn't look back at the window.

"Jungkook before you wake up, I told you, I will explain everything and now you are awake so allow me to explain everything to you, after that I will accept whatever your decision"

I waited for his answer but he just kept quiet, so I explained to him why I obeyed all of Namjoon's wishes, why I did that and everything I did was not because I volunteered to give it to him, but because I had no other choice to replace the money.

He was just silent, didn't answer anything and didn't say anything, he didn't look at me either.

"Jungkook, the first time I found out you were in an accident, I immediately rushed to the hospital, while on the road I kept remembering the day the doctor called me, saying that Tae had an accident. I don't want that to happen again, I don't want to see you in another room Jungkook, that's when I realized, you can hate me but never leave me you have to wake up, and now you're awake, I know what I did before is unforgivable, my mistake was too fatal , you don't need to forgive me, but I beg you don't get hurt again, I beg you to take good care of yourself, thank you for always being my savior Jungkook, I'm sorry my reply disappointed you, then I have to go"

When I woke up and turned around, Jungkook suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Jin, wait"

Immediately made me face him.

"Your mistake is very fatal Jin, I can't forgive you, I hate you so much, even I hate myself. But didn't you say when I wake up let's start all over again, forget the past and live together forever."

My eyes opened wide when I heard his words.

"How do you-"

"I heard everything Jin, I heard what you said to me yesterday, I also know what you did"

"Jungkook.." Tears flowed down my cheeks very fast.

"Jin, let's start all over from the beginning. without Tae, without Jimin, just you and me"

I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. When I hugged him back he groaned in pain.

"Ah sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot about your wound"

"It's okay, it's nothing Jin, I've felt things that hurt more than this"

I hit his chest and hugged him again.

"Thank you Jungkook, thank you, I promise I will never disappoint you again, I promise there will be no more Tae's name that comes out of my mouth"

"I promise I will never equate you with Jimin, there is only you Jin, I love you"

I let go of his arms and look at him

"Are you seriously saying that?"

"Yes, I love you Jin, always"

"Jungkook..i love you too"

He pulled my neck and kissed my lips, I haven't felt this in a long time, I m lucky because the one who saved me was him, I fell in love with the right person for the second time.

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