Chapter 21

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2 months later


Jin and I are getting closer, we always spend time together, visit Jimin and Tae's graves together and even have sex every night.

Today Jin is working late and I said I would pick him up. I don't want him to come home alone at night.

It's 9 pm but Jin hasn't contacted me either, is his work not finished yet? I decided to go to his office and wait for him there.

When I arrived at his office, I saw that the corridor was deserted, in the lobby there were only a few people and a security guard.

I went to the elevator and got on, when in the elevator I tried to call him but he didn't pick up my phone.

The elevator door opened and I went straight to the room, no one was there anymore, when I got closer to the room I heard a moan from inside, I'm sure it was Jin's voice and.. Namjoon?

When I opened the door to his room my eyes opened wide to see what was in front of me.
Jin was lying on the floor and Namjoon was on top of him kissing Jin's neck.

They both immediately looked at me and Jin immediately pushed Namjoon's body.


"Stop! Don't you dare come near me."

My tears just flowed, my heart broke to see it, I didn't expect them to do this, so this is unfinished work? because Namjoon hasn't finished fucking him yet? Shit!

I immediately ran away from there, I heard Jin shouting my name but I didn't care. While in the car I could only scream while hitting the steering wheel many times. I cried profusely.

I don't want to go home, I don't want to see him. Yes, now we live together.


Finally I decided to go home because I was confused about where to go, I looked at the clock and it was already 3 am. I saw on my phone many calls and messages from Jin. I immediately turned off my phone.

When I got home I left my phone in the car. I walked in and saw him still awake, sitting in the living room with tears in his eyes.

I entered the room without looking at him but he grabbed my hand and I pulled my hand back.

"Do not touch me!"

"J-jungkook please, listen to my explanation, it's not what you see"

"What did I see? he's on top of you with your clothes off and he's kissing your neck?"

He was just silent and crying.

"Why are you crying now? before you enjoyed it Jin, you groaned enjoying it"

As I walked into my room he grabbed my hand again.

"It's not like that Jungkook"

"You want to say he raped you? he forced you? and you enjoyed it?"


"Stop Jin! I don't want to hear anything."

"I'm sorry, but it's not what you see"

"So what? tell me"

"Namjoon came to me, he apologized about what happened earlier, he was crying in front of me Jungkook, somehow suddenly he came up to me and kissed me he pushed me to the floor and..."

"You're so funny Jin"

"W-what? You don't believe me?"

"I believe what I see Jin and i know there is no forced expression on your face Jin"


"So far we have lived together but not really with Jin, you always think of Tae, even sometimes when we have sex you only mention Tae's name and now what I see with my eyes it adds to my pain Jin"

"You blame me for all this? how about you? you always equate me with Jimin, everything I do reminds you of Jimin, you never see me as me and I've tried to explain to you the truth about what happened earlier."

"Yeah, you're right, I'm done here! Hopefully this time you can say his name when Namjoon fucks you, I'm leaving"

I went towards the exit and he shouted at me asking me not to go but I went anyway. I left my car in front of the apartment, I just carried myself away leaving it.

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