Chapter 23

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When I arrived at the office I didn't see Namjoon there, so I decided to go straight to my room. I still think about Jungkook. Where is he? Until suddenly someone called me.


"Yoongi you startled me"

"What are you thinking about? I called you many times"

"Ahh nothing, what's wrong?"

"What time did you come home last night?"

"Huh? ah I came home at 10 pm maybe, I also don't remember, why?"

"It's okay, you shouldn't be working too late from now on"

"What is it?"

"Didn't you hear the news?"

I shook my head.

"There are many cases of rape Jin, you have to be more careful, did Jungkook pick you up last night?"

"Ah, yes he picked me up"

Yoongi doesn't know what happened last night.

"Did you see Namjoon?" I said.

"Why do you ask?"

"I didn't see it"

"Looks like he has a meeting elsewhere, maybe he'll go to the office later"


I missed my lunch because I had to finish my work. I don't want to work overtime today. But my body was very tired so I decided to make coffee in the pantry.

While making coffee I heard someone enter and lock the door which confused me and turned to face the person. My eyes opened wide when I saw Namjoon standing at the door and starting to walk towards me.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"What do you want me to do Jin? didn't we finish last night?" He stood right in front of me, pressing my body against the counter.

"Don't, please don't do that..mmph"

He immediately kissed my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pushed him but he was getting stronger holding me. He kept sucking on my lips, but I didn't kiss him back. My tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Stop.. I don't want to do this"

His kisses started to go down my neck and when he sucked my neck I immediately pushed him with all my might to keep him away.

"Don't you dare do that to me!" I immediately opened the door and ran to the bathroom.

Luckily the bathroom was empty at the time, I looked at myself in the mirror, saw a purple mark on my neck, I tried to rub it with all my might until the skin was red, I cried looking at myself in the mirror. What do I do!!

After a while, I exited and returned to my room. I hope time passes quickly so I can return home. I just want to be with Jungkook, I want to hug him.


Finally my work finished on time, I immediately tidy up the files on my desk and out of my room.

"Jin, you want to go home?"

"yes yoongi"

"Did Jungkook pick you up today?"

"Ah he has important business, so I'm going home alone today"

"Then I'll take you home"


I think it's better, at least I'm not going home alone.

When in the car Yoongi looked at me with a suspicious expression.

"Why do you keep looking at me, you have to look at the road while driving"

"Jin did I not see wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did you and Jungkook do last night?"

"I didn't do anything, why?"

"Then the hickey on your neck? how did it get there?"

Shit! I swallowed hard and took a deep breath as I answered him, I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Ahh yeah, just this, we don't do anything else I mean"

When I arrived at my apartment, I offered Yoongi to stop by but he refused when he saw Jungkook's car so he thought he didn't want to disturb.

I went into my apartment, when I opened the door I didn't see him inside, was he not home yet? huh where is he really, where are you Jungkook?

I take a shower and prepare dinner, I'm wearing a hoodie so the mark isn't visible and I hope Jungkook doesn't see it.

I'm waiting for him at the dining table, 8 pm, he hasn't arrived yet. At 9 pm he also had not arrived. Until I fell asleep there.

I woke up when I heard the door open, I saw the clock was 1 am. I looked at him, his eyes were so red and he was so messy. I approached him.

"Jungkook you definitely haven't eaten—"

"Don't pretend you care about me" He passes me and into his room, his words, his gaze so cold to me.

I walked into the room and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Jungkook where did you go yesterday? I was worried, I'm sorry Jungkook"

He was just silent, his back to me, he stared out the window.

"I think this relationship can be better Jin, I know there has never been love in this relationship, we only love our respective boyfriends. We never see each other. Why should I be angry to see you guys do that? I'm a nobody in your life Jin"

I immediately walked over to him and knelt in front of him making our eyes look at each other.

"Don't say that Jungkook! Obviously you mean a lot to me, I know it's my fault, I know I'm a coward to refuse his request, but it's not what you think, I let him do that not because I wanted to Jungkook, please believe me"

"Don't ask me to believe you Jin, you can do anything"

"No! I didn't do anything. Please believe me Jungkook"

"Why should I believe you?"

"Jungkook I know it hurts to hear other names when we're making love, but hearing you always compliment me because Jimin hurts too, I know we agreed to live this without love but—"

"That means you can do anything with other people? with the person who almost raped you? Was my decision to help you at that time fault Jin?"


"I know I always equate you with Jimin, but that doesn't mean I don't see you, every night I miss Jimin, but I never mention his name when we make love, I only say your name because I want you Jin, every time I see you it reminds me of Jimin , but I realized you are not Jimin, I gave myself a chance to be able to love someone other than Jimin because I didn't want to hurt you, but now I regret my decision"

"What? NO! Don't say that Jungkook! Please!"

He got up and left the room, but I immediately ran over and hugged him from behind.

"I said don't say that! I beg you, I was wrong I know I was wrong, I'm sorry Jungkook, I need this job, that's why I let him to do that to me."

"Then give him what he wants Jin, so you don't lose your job." He let go of my hug and went to the guest room and locked the door.

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