Chapter 9

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In the car I occasionally looked at him, his gaze never moved, he was always looking at the ring on his finger.

"Jin, can I ask you something?"

He turned to me and nodded his head.

"That night, when it rained heavily on the beach why didn't you take shelter?"

"Tae really likes rain, every time it rains he always invites me out, he says rain is romantic"


"Yeah, he said love is like rain, you can feel it but you can't stop it"

"Unfortunately Jimin doesn't like rain"

"Not everyone has to like it, there are other ways to see love from a different side"

"Yes you're right"

"Thank you again, Jungkook."

"For the ring?"

"Yes and for everything you have done, every human being has a choice and 6 months ago, on that day, you had the choice to let me get rained on, let me die and let me be raped, but you chose another option, you always chose to saved me"

My car stopped because of a red light, I looked at him who was looking at me with a smile.

"Because I've made the wrong choice before and I don't want to be wrong again"

Finally we arrived in front of the cafe, Moon Café. Jin unbuckled his seatbelt and looked at me.

"Say my regards to Jimin, thanks again, Jungkook"

"Okay, then also convey my greetings to Tae?"

"Taehyung, I'll tell him, I'll go first, bye"

After he came out he waved his hand at me and smiled, I immediately left him.


When I arrived at the cafe, I saw Yoongi sitting on his phone.

"Sorry I'm late" I walked over to him and sat across from him.

"It's okay, have you eaten? I just ordered coffee, we can order food if you haven't eaten"

"Oh I've eaten before here"

"Eating with who?" Yoongi puts his phone on the table and looks at me.


"Jungkook? who is he? Your new boyfriend? finally--"

"Friend, do you remember 6 months ago when I was almost raped in a restaurant bathroom on my birthday?"

"Yeah, I remember, Oh My Gosh!!! don't tell me he was the one who saved you?"

I just smiled and nodded.

"WHAT? How did you two meet after 6 months?"

"I met him at the funeral, his boyfriend's grave is beside Taehyung's grave"

"WHATTTTT?? Jin are you serious?"

"Yes, of course. What's wrong?"

"I believe this is fate! This is your fate Jin!"

"Yoongi, it's just a coincidence"

"Don't be naive Jin, 6 months is a very long time and you only met once at that time"

"Actually, we met 3 times back then"

"3 times? how is that possible?"

"The night before my birthday he gave me an umbrella when it was raining, then he was also the one who saved me when I almost got hit by a car, and lastly he saved me at a restaurant"

"Destiny!! I'm 100% sure this is Jin's fate, thank you Taehyung!!"

"What do you mean? Thank you Taehyung?"

"Remember my words? I said if he was given a choice, I'm sure he would choose to come back to life and meet you or he would ask God to send someone for you, remember?"

"Yoongi, that doesn't make sense"

"Does it make sense for the past 2 years what you've been doing, Jin?"

"But this is different"

"What's different? HIs boyfriend died, your boyfriend died and you guys are always together, what is it if not fate?"


"I don't understand what's going on in your head Jin, did you two exchange phone numbers?"

"No, why?"

"I just want to say, if you meet again, trust me Jin, it's fate and please accept it, maybe it's time for you to move on Jin"

"I guess that's impossible, I'm sure we'll never meet again"

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