Chapter 14

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After eating, Jungkook and I cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes together, then I decided to sit in front of the TV.

Jungkook sat next to me and turned on the TV.

"Is there a TV show you want to watch?"

I shook my head, suddenly I remembered Yoongi, he must be worried because I didn't come to the office today.

I got up from the sofa and went into Jungkook's room to get the phone in my bag.

But my phone is dead. Yoongi must have called me many times. He must be really worried right now.

I walked out of the room and walked over to Jungkook.

"Jungkook, can I borrow your phone?"

"Yes, I think it's in the room above the lamp table"

I went back to his room and took the phone.

"Jungkook, can you come here for a moment?"

He didn't answer me, but he approached me.

"What is it?"


He smiled at me and took the phone.



"That's the password"

"Why did you tell me?"

"I don't know, but I already told you so keep that in mind"

He gives his phone and leaves the room.

I immediately called Yoongi, luckily I remember the number well.

"Hello who is this?"

"Yoongi, it's me, Jin"

"YHAAA!! WHERE ARE YOU NOW? why don't you let me know? What happened to you!! Namjoon came with a battered face, he was looking for you!"

"I'll tell you everything when we meet, sorry for worrying you, I'm at Jungkook's apartment now"

"Alright, we'll see each other soon, HUH? WAIT A MINUTE! Whose apartment are you in?"


"You're serious?"

"Yes, What' wrong?"

"Did you guys do something? like sex maybe?"


"Kiss? or hug?"

"Aish! Yoongi, we didn't do anything, I'll tell you later."

"I will pick you up, wait for me"

"But it's too long, I can take a taxi home"

"Wait for me or I will ignore you for a month"

"How dare you! I have to tell Jungkook first."

"He must agree that you linger with him Jin"

"Bye Yoongi"

I hung up my phone and sat on the bed, facing the window.

"Jin, do you want to take a shower first?"

Jungkook said while walking towards me making me look at him.

"You go first"

"Okay, I'll take a shower first"

I looked back at the window. I heard the sound of running water from the bathroom. After a while someone came out. I heard the bathroom door open.

"You can take a shower now"

When I looked at him, I blushed embarrassed to see him standing in front of the bathroom, in a black t-shirt, black shorts and still wet hair. I swallowed my saliva.

Unknowingly he approached me.

"Jin? Are you alright?"

"Huh? gosh, yes of course I'm fine, I'm going to take a shower now"

When I wanted to get up and pass him for some reason I slipped, he immediately grabbed my body, his arms wrapped around me from behind. Make my heart flutter?

He made me stand up and turned my body towards him.

"Jin are you okay?"

I could see his face up close.

"Yeah, I don't know what made me slip, but I'm fine"

We stood facing each other and stared at each other, I don't know what he was doing, but he came closer to me, bringing his body closer to mine, but I didn't avoid it. Even his hand is still holding my arm.

He brought his face close to my ear and whispered.

"Why is your face red Jin?"

I looked at him making my face very close to his, my heart seemed to be working 100 times faster now.


I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt his lips against mine. But I didn't try to push it.

But he immediately broke the kiss and moved away from me, causing me to open my eyes.

"Jin, I'm really sorry, please don't think anything, I'm sorry"

He went straight past me and out of the room.

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