Chapter 6

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Tonight I took Hoseok to Tonight Resto, Jimin and I's favorite restaurant. We often spend time together here.

We sat inside because Hoseok can't catch the night breeze, he always gets sick whenever I take him out at night. When the food was served, I suddenly wanted to pee and go to the bathroom.

The bathroom is outside the restaurant so I have to get out, but when I approach the bathroom, I hear someone screaming for help from inside the bathroom, I thought it was just my hallucination, but the screams got louder.

When I opened the bathroom door, my eyes opened wide when I saw a big man trying to kiss someone.

I walked over to him and pulled him away. Without thinking I immediately hit his face repeatedly. I heard someone asking me to stop but I didn't listen.

I kept hitting his face until someone grabbed my hand.

"Stop! I beg you"

When I turned around, he immediately fell and passed out. I quickly held his head so as not to hit the bathroom floor. I put his head on my lap and when I saw his face I remembered something.

He..he's the guy I met on the beach that night, he's also someone I saved this afternoon and now I'm saving him from a pervert.

I carried him out of the bathroom, when I reached the entrance of the restaurant, a man ran towards me.

"Jin, what happened? what did you do to him?"

"He fainted, he was almost raped in the bathroom, I didn't do anything, you can check the bathroom if you don't believe it, the pervert is still inside. Can you take him to the hospital? He's so heavy and my hands are getting tired of carrying him"

"Rape? Shit!! okay, sorry I troubled you, I will carry him and take him to the hospital, thanks for saving him"

The man looks very worried, maybe he is his boyfriend. He immediately picked him up and took him to the car and left the restaurant.


I woke up and tried to check the surroundings, I woke up in a strange room, I tried to adjust my eyes and I saw Yoongi sitting next to me.

"Hey Jin"

"Where am I?"



"Don't you remember? Someone took you out of the bathroom, what happened? Your clothes were torn when he took you out, I almost hit him but he said someone tried to rape you in the bathroom"

"Aah yeah, the drunk guy came in and tried to kiss me, is it badly torn? That's Tae's suit, I shouldn't have worn it"

"What? are you even thinking about suits? I'm asking what's really going on? and please explain"

"I already explained, what else do you want to hear? and how long have I been here? Is it still my birthday?"

"Of course, you fainted for 3 hours, it's still 10 PM so today is still your birthday. So do you know who saved you? Or have you passed out already?"

"I don't know who he is, when I held his hand to stop beating the guy, my vision blurred and I fainted"

"He carried you out, when I saw you I immediately ran to him, but stupid me, I forgot to ask his name"

"When can I get out of here?"

"After the infusion is finished you can go home"


I lay my body on the bed, staring at the ceiling and tears streaming down my face. Tae, I really hate today, especially when that guy kissed my neck, you should have been there Tae, you should have saved me, but you didn't come.

What if bad things keep happening to me? won't you come save me? you saw me right Tae? I'm sure you saw me.

I hate this day!!!!

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